Bibliographic citations
Apaza, N., (2017). Determinantes de la cartera de créditos de la Cooperativa Prestaperu (Arequipa) y los mayores niveles activos totales (crecimiento de los depósitos y patrimonio) en el periodo 2006-2015 [Tesis, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui].
Apaza, N., Determinantes de la cartera de créditos de la Cooperativa Prestaperu (Arequipa) y los mayores niveles activos totales (crecimiento de los depósitos y patrimonio) en el periodo 2006-2015 [Tesis]. : Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui; 2017.
title = "Determinantes de la cartera de créditos de la Cooperativa Prestaperu (Arequipa) y los mayores niveles activos totales (crecimiento de los depósitos y patrimonio) en el periodo 2006-2015",
author = "Apaza Quiso, Natividad",
publisher = "Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui",
year = "2017"
The research work is entitled "Determinants of the credit portfolio of the cooperative PRESTAPERU (Arequipa) and the highest total assets levels (growth of deposits and assets) in the period 2006-2015." Which in our period of analysis had a growth of 92.77% from 2006 to 2015, in its portfolios of placements. This cooperative has the greatest wealth and liquidity to continue granting greater credits thanks to these. In our study period we have seen an analysis of each cooperative as well as its growth in the years of research. And we see that in the growth of the PrestaPerú cooperative, it has been the largest compared to the others in its area, which have had a growth but not in the magnitude in which the PrestaPerú cooperative has had. The methodology used is observational given that the historical series of cooperatives reflect the natural evolution of events, which is beyond the will of the researcher. Which is longitudinal since all variables are measured several times, is a historical series. It is a non-experimental thesis with four variables where it is intended to demonstrate the level of correlation between them. Population, Sample, Techniques and instruments of data collection and techniques(Excel,LSPSS 22 and the Eviews 9 and with it the information, graphs, projections were elaborated.
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