Bibliographic citations
Arista, H., (2016). Manejo de programas educativos y el desarrollo del interés de los padres de familia por la formación de sus hijos del primer grado del nivel secundario de la I.E. Francisco Mostajo de Tiabaya – Arequipa 2015 [Tesis, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui].
Arista, H., Manejo de programas educativos y el desarrollo del interés de los padres de familia por la formación de sus hijos del primer grado del nivel secundario de la I.E. Francisco Mostajo de Tiabaya – Arequipa 2015 [Tesis]. : Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui; 2016.
title = "Manejo de programas educativos y el desarrollo del interés de los padres de familia por la formación de sus hijos del primer grado del nivel secundario de la I.E. Francisco Mostajo de Tiabaya – Arequipa 2015",
author = "Arista Cornejo, Héctor Henry",
publisher = "Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui",
year = "2016"
The present research applied an educational program to determine the level of interest of the parents by the integral formation of their children of the first grade of secondary, with the clear objective of evaluating the effectiveness of the educative program PREVARRCE in the education of the students of the First EI secondary school Francisco Mostajo of the district of Tiabaya. A diagnosis of entry was applied to all the parents, in order to know their level of interest in the education of their children, where a very negative result was obtained, determined by multiple factors, where the work they performed predominated Both father and mother. To this end, the PREVARRCE Program was designed and implemented through 4 workshop sessions for all parents of the first grade of secondary school. At the end of the sessions, the exit diagnosis was used, where great progress was made in their abilities, values and attitudes, which proved to be of great benefit to the good learning of their children. The population and sample is made up of the 70 male and female parents of the first grade of secondary school. To obtain data was used a questionnaire of questions about the educational interest of parents and a list of collations to collect the changes achieved in their skills and attitudes, which allowed the development of tables and figures, was applied Student's T. The research led us to the conclusion that the level and improvement of the interest of the parents of the school can be improved through educational programs such as PREVARRCE. Thanks to this innovation strategy, parents have reached a high level Of knowledge and responsibility towards their children, became aware of educational values and principles, and established better communication links with their children who study in the first grade of EI Francisco Mostajo.
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