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Flores, E., (2015). Análisis hidrológico para la determinación de la faja marginal del embalse Lagunillas [Tesis, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui].
Flores, E., Análisis hidrológico para la determinación de la faja marginal del embalse Lagunillas [Tesis]. : Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui; 2015.
title = "Análisis hidrológico para la determinación de la faja marginal del embalse Lagunillas",
author = "Flores Alejo, Emerson Ronnie",
publisher = "Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui",
year = "2015"
Title: Análisis hidrológico para la determinación de la faja marginal del embalse Lagunillas
Authors(s): Flores Alejo, Emerson Ronnie
Advisor(s): Escobedo Cabrera, Emershon
Keywords: Análisis hidrológico; Determinación; Faja marginal; Embalse lagunillas; Hydrological analysis; Determination; Marginal belt; Reservoir lagoons
Issue Date: 2015
Institution: Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui
Abstract: Las fajas marginales son bienes de dominio público hidráulico. Están conformadas por las áreas inmediatas superiores a las riberas de las fuentes de agua, naturales o artificiales. Las dimensiones en una o ambas márgenes de un cuerpo de agua son fijadas por la Autoridad Administrativa del Agua, de acuerdo con los criterios establecidos en el Reglamento, respetando los usos y costumbres establecidos. Los criterios para la delimitación de las riberas, son: La magnitud e importancia de las estructuras hidráulicas de las presas, reservorios, embalses, canales de derivación, entre otros; el espacio necesario para la construcción, conservación y protección de las defensas ribereñas y de los cauces; el espacio necesario para los usos públicos que se requieran; la máxima crecida o avenida de los ríos, lagos, lagunas y otras fuentes naturales de agua. Mediante los criterios hidrológicos e hidráulicos, se ha realizado el análisis para la delimitación de la ribera del embalse lagunillas. Obteniéndose, para este fin la caracterización fisiográfica de la subcuenta Lagunillas que cuenta con un área de 836,55 Km2, se encuentra entre los 5 212 y 4 160 msnm de altitud, presenta una forma muy alargada.
Con datos de precipitaciones máximas en 24 horas, se realizó el análisis de consistencia, además de un análisis estadístico de Saltos y Tendencias; mediante las pruebas de Student y Fisher para un nivel de significancia del 5% resultando los valores calculados como no significativos, lo que nos demuestra tener datos consistentes para el análisis hidrológico. Se realizó la completación y extensión de datos, mediante el modelo hidrológico HEC-4 (Monthly Streamflow Simulation) desarrollado por el Hydrologic Engineering Center de los Estados Unidos de América. Obteniendo así series anuales completas.
Las series históricas anuales de precipitaciones máximas en 24 horas de las estaciones (Crucero Alto, Lagunillas, Quillisani, Jarpaña), han sido ajustadas a las distribuciones teóricas, Normal, Log-Normal, Gumbel, Pearson Tipo III, Log-Pearson Tipo III. Se ha realizado las pruebas de bondad de ajuste Chi-cuadrado, Smirnov Kolmogorov, además de su verificación gráfica, resultando como mejor ajuste: La distribución Log-Normal para la estación Crucero alto, la distribución Gumbel para la estación Lagunillas, la distribución Log-Normal para la estación Quillisani, la distribución Log-Pearson Tipo III para la estación Jarpaña.
Se han calculado los eventos extremos de precipitación máxima en 24 horas, para periodos de retorno de 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1 000 años. Así también se ha obtenido las precipitaciones ponderadas o promedio areal, para diferentes periodos de retorno, de la subcuenca Lagunillas, mediante la metodología del Polígono de Thiessen.
Se utilizó coeficientes de duración, para la obtener precipitaciones, para diferentes tiempos de duración, y se ha calculado la ecuación de intensidades, mediante regresión lineal múltiple; aplicando la ecuación de intensidad se obtuvo los hietogramas de diseño, para una duración de tormenta de 12 horas, para periodos de retorno de 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1 000 años.
Mediante los parámetros de transformación de la precipitación-escorrentía (parámetros fisiográficos, tiempo de concentración, tiempo de retardo, numero de curva, abstracciones), se ha modelado la cuenca hidrológica en HEC-HMS, estimando con este modelo los hidrogramas de caudales para periodos de retorno de 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 años; obteniendo los valores de caudales pico de 185,90 a 841,50 m3/s.
Se determinó los niveles y volúmenes hidráulicos del embalse Lagunillas, estableciéndose las cotas del NAME (Nivel de agua máximo extraordinario), de 4 169,23 el cual es el nivel del tránsito máximo para TR=1 000 años. Mediante el tránsito de avenidas a través del embalse Lagunillas, se han determinado los caudales de salida en el vertedero, para los diferentes periodos de retorno; teniendo para un periodo de retorno 1 000 años, un caudal de entrada de 841,50 m3/s, un caudal de salida de 18,00 m3/s, generando un tirante sobre el vertedero de 0,43 m. Mediante el criterio hidráulico e hidrológico, la delimitación de la ribera del cuerpo de agua ha sido demarcada entre el NAMI (Nivel de agua mínimo), de cota = 4 157,26 msnm y el NAME (Nivel de agua máxima extraordinaria), de cota = 4 169,23 msnm. Se toma un ancho mínimo de 25,00 m para la delimitación de la faja marginal, debido a que la zona está próxima a áreas rurales, con poca población, y no existen obras de encauzamiento. Y mediante los cálculos se demuestra que la obra de represamiento tiene la capacidad para poder evacuar los caudales máximos extraordinarios de ingreso.
Estos datos obtenidos, servirán para la delimitación de fajas marginales definitiva, sin embargo es necesario tener presente además de los criterios hidrológicos e hidráulicos, otros criterios técnicos como: Ambientales, sociales y de aspecto legal, puesto que muchas veces estos influyen notablemente en el establecimiento de la delimitación de las fajas marginales.
El estudio hidrológico para determinar las riveras, que sirven como base para la delimitación la faja marginal de un cuerpo de agua, se realiza con el afán de establecer las dimensiones y localización de áreas y espacios destinados a las actividades y usos de: Protección de los cursos fluviales y cuerpos de agua; vías libres de tránsito, caminos de acceso, vigilancia y/o mantenimiento de curso fluviales y cuerpos de agua; para acceso a presas, reservorios, embalses, otras de captación y derivación, canales de riego, obras de drenaje, áreas de acceso para infraestructura de navegación.
The marginal belts are public domain hydraulic goods. They are conformed by the immediate areas superior to the banks of the sources of water, natural or artificial. The dimensions in one or both margins of a body of water are fixed by the Water Administrative Authority, according to the criteria established in the Regulation, respecting the established customs and customs. The criteria for the delimitation of the banks are: The magnitude and importance of the hydraulic structures of the dams, reservoirs, reservoirs, diversion channels, among others; The necessary space for the construction, conservation and protection of the riverside defenses and the channels; The necessary space for the public uses that are required; The maximum flood or avenue of the rivers, lakes, lagoons and other natural sources of water. By means of hydrological and hydraulic criteria, the analysis for the delimitation of the lagoon reservoir has been carried out. For this purpose, the physiographic characterization of the Lagunillas subaccount, which has an area of 836.55 km2, is found between 5 212 and 4 160 meters above sea level, presenting a very elongated shape. With data of maximum precipitations in 24 hours, the consistency analysis was performed, besides a statistical analysis of Jumps and Trends; Using the Student and Fisher tests for a significance level of 5%, resulting in values calculated as non-significant, which shows that we have consistent data for the hydrological analysis. Completion and extension of data were performed using the hydrologic model HEC-4 (Monthly Streamflow Simulation) developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the United States of America. Thus obtaining complete annual series. The annual historical series of maximum precipitation in 24 hours of the stations (Crucero Alto, Lagunillas, Quillisani, Jarpaña), have been adjusted to the theoretical distributions, Normal, Log-Normal, Gumbel, Pearson Type III, Log-Pearson Type III. The Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests, Smirnov Kolmogorov, have been performed in addition to their graphical verification, resulting in the best fit: Log-Normal distribution for the Tall Cruise station, Gumbel distribution for the Lagunillas station, Normal for the Quillisani station, the Log-Pearson Type III distribution for the Jarpaña station. Extreme events of maximum precipitation in 24 hours have been calculated for return periods of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1, 000 years. Thus we have also obtained the weighted or average rainfall, for different periods of return, of the Lagunillas sub-basin, through the methodology of the Polygon of Thiessen. Time coefficients were used to obtain precipitations for different duration times, and the intensity equation was calculated by multiple linear regression; Applying the intensity equation we obtained the design hietograms, for a storm duration of 12 hours, for periods of return of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1, 000 years. The hydrological basin has been modeled in HEC-HMS using the parameters of the rainfall-runoff transformation (physiographic parameters, concentration time, delay time, number of curves, abstractions) Return of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years; Obtaining the peak flow values from 185.90 to 841.50 m3 / s. The levels and hydraulic volumes of the Lagunillas reservoir were determined, establishing the NAME (Extraordinary Maximum Water Level) levels, 4 169.23 which is the maximum traffic level for TR = 1 000 years. By means of the transit of avenues through the Lagunillas reservoir, the outflows have been determined in the landfill, for the different periods of return; Having an input flow of 841.50 m3 / s for a return period of 1 000 years, an output flow of 18.00 m3 / s, generating a tie rod on the 0.43 m spout. By means of the hydrological and hydrological criteria, the boundary of the water body has been demarcated between the NAMI (Minimum water level), elevation = 4 157.26 meters and the NAME (Maximum extraordinary water level) = 4 169.23 masl. A minimum width of 25.00 m is taken for the delimitation of the marginal belt, because the area is close to rural areas, with few population, and there are no channeling works. And by means of the calculations it is shown that the work of damming has the capacity to be able to evacuate the maximum extraordinary flows of income. These data will serve to define definitive marginal bands, however, it is necessary to keep in mind in addition to the hydrological and hydraulic criteria, other technical criteria such as: Environmental, social and legal aspects, since they often have a significant influence on the establishment Of the delimitation of the marginal belts. The hydrological study to determine the river banks, which serve as the basis for delimiting the marginal belt of a body of water, is done with the aim of establishing the dimensions and location of areas and spaces intended for the activities and uses of: River courses and bodies of water; Free traffic routes, access roads, monitoring and / or maintenance of river courses and water bodies; For access to dams, reservoirs, reservoirs, other catchment and diversion, irrigation canals, drainage works, access areas for navigation infrastructure.
The marginal belts are public domain hydraulic goods. They are conformed by the immediate areas superior to the banks of the sources of water, natural or artificial. The dimensions in one or both margins of a body of water are fixed by the Water Administrative Authority, according to the criteria established in the Regulation, respecting the established customs and customs. The criteria for the delimitation of the banks are: The magnitude and importance of the hydraulic structures of the dams, reservoirs, reservoirs, diversion channels, among others; The necessary space for the construction, conservation and protection of the riverside defenses and the channels; The necessary space for the public uses that are required; The maximum flood or avenue of the rivers, lakes, lagoons and other natural sources of water. By means of hydrological and hydraulic criteria, the analysis for the delimitation of the lagoon reservoir has been carried out. For this purpose, the physiographic characterization of the Lagunillas subaccount, which has an area of 836.55 km2, is found between 5 212 and 4 160 meters above sea level, presenting a very elongated shape. With data of maximum precipitations in 24 hours, the consistency analysis was performed, besides a statistical analysis of Jumps and Trends; Using the Student and Fisher tests for a significance level of 5%, resulting in values calculated as non-significant, which shows that we have consistent data for the hydrological analysis. Completion and extension of data were performed using the hydrologic model HEC-4 (Monthly Streamflow Simulation) developed by the Hydrologic Engineering Center of the United States of America. Thus obtaining complete annual series. The annual historical series of maximum precipitation in 24 hours of the stations (Crucero Alto, Lagunillas, Quillisani, Jarpaña), have been adjusted to the theoretical distributions, Normal, Log-Normal, Gumbel, Pearson Type III, Log-Pearson Type III. The Chi-square goodness-of-fit tests, Smirnov Kolmogorov, have been performed in addition to their graphical verification, resulting in the best fit: Log-Normal distribution for the Tall Cruise station, Gumbel distribution for the Lagunillas station, Normal for the Quillisani station, the Log-Pearson Type III distribution for the Jarpaña station. Extreme events of maximum precipitation in 24 hours have been calculated for return periods of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1, 000 years. Thus we have also obtained the weighted or average rainfall, for different periods of return, of the Lagunillas sub-basin, through the methodology of the Polygon of Thiessen. Time coefficients were used to obtain precipitations for different duration times, and the intensity equation was calculated by multiple linear regression; Applying the intensity equation we obtained the design hietograms, for a storm duration of 12 hours, for periods of return of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1, 000 years. The hydrological basin has been modeled in HEC-HMS using the parameters of the rainfall-runoff transformation (physiographic parameters, concentration time, delay time, number of curves, abstractions) Return of 10, 25, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 years; Obtaining the peak flow values from 185.90 to 841.50 m3 / s. The levels and hydraulic volumes of the Lagunillas reservoir were determined, establishing the NAME (Extraordinary Maximum Water Level) levels, 4 169.23 which is the maximum traffic level for TR = 1 000 years. By means of the transit of avenues through the Lagunillas reservoir, the outflows have been determined in the landfill, for the different periods of return; Having an input flow of 841.50 m3 / s for a return period of 1 000 years, an output flow of 18.00 m3 / s, generating a tie rod on the 0.43 m spout. By means of the hydrological and hydrological criteria, the boundary of the water body has been demarcated between the NAMI (Minimum water level), elevation = 4 157.26 meters and the NAME (Maximum extraordinary water level) = 4 169.23 masl. A minimum width of 25.00 m is taken for the delimitation of the marginal belt, because the area is close to rural areas, with few population, and there are no channeling works. And by means of the calculations it is shown that the work of damming has the capacity to be able to evacuate the maximum extraordinary flows of income. These data will serve to define definitive marginal bands, however, it is necessary to keep in mind in addition to the hydrological and hydraulic criteria, other technical criteria such as: Environmental, social and legal aspects, since they often have a significant influence on the establishment Of the delimitation of the marginal belts. The hydrological study to determine the river banks, which serve as the basis for delimiting the marginal belt of a body of water, is done with the aim of establishing the dimensions and location of areas and spaces intended for the activities and uses of: River courses and bodies of water; Free traffic routes, access roads, monitoring and / or maintenance of river courses and water bodies; For access to dams, reservoirs, reservoirs, other catchment and diversion, irrigation canals, drainage works, access areas for navigation infrastructure.
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Discipline: Ingeniería Civil
Grade or title grantor: Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura
Grade or title: Ingeniero Civil
Register date: 31-Jul-2017
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