Bibliographic citations
Rodas, M., (2015). Efectividad de la pena en el delito de conducción de vehículos en estado de ebriedad en la Fiscalía Penal del Cono Norte de Lima - 2014 [Tesis, Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui].
Rodas, M., Efectividad de la pena en el delito de conducción de vehículos en estado de ebriedad en la Fiscalía Penal del Cono Norte de Lima - 2014 [Tesis]. : Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui; 2015.
title = "Efectividad de la pena en el delito de conducción de vehículos en estado de ebriedad en la Fiscalía Penal del Cono Norte de Lima - 2014",
author = "Rodas Castañeda, Mario",
publisher = "Universidad José Carlos Mariátegui",
year = "2015"
This research evaluated the "Effectiveness of Pena in Crime Vehicles Driving Drunk in Criminal Prosecution Lima North Cone - 2014" with the General Objective To determine the effectiveness of Pena in Crime Vehicle Driving while intoxicated, and its Specific Objectives: 1. Evaluate the Effectiveness of Pena in Crime Vehicles Driving Drunk Drivers in Female sex and 2. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Pena in the Crime Vehicles Driving Drunk Drivers in male sex. For the expected achievement was made a descriptive research, Explanatory, Documentary, Cut to Length, Not Experimental Design, transactional Prospective, which is applied through the data collection technique still is the collection and documentary collection. The sample I was used consisted of 25% of the population which is equivalent to 115 prosecuted for driving while intoxicated in Criminal Prosecutions North Cone of Lima. Conclusions: There is effective penalty for the offense of driving while intoxicated Vehicles in Criminal Prosecution Lima North Cone 2014 in Male and Female Drivers sex.
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