Bibliographic citations
Atocha, Y., Cueva, V. (2023). Modelo educativo desde la percepción de los docentes de las II.EE. del Sagrado Corazón - Lima [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Atocha, Y., Cueva, V. Modelo educativo desde la percepción de los docentes de las II.EE. del Sagrado Corazón - Lima [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2023.
title = "Modelo educativo desde la percepción de los docentes de las II.EE. del Sagrado Corazón - Lima",
author = "Cueva Alva, Viviana Graciela",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2023"
The objective of the research is: to analyze the perception that teachers have regarding the axes of the educational model of the Sacred Heart of Jesus from their educational practice. The research was carried out from a qualitative ap-proach and phenomenological design. The sample was made up of 11 teachers from the Network to whom an interview was administered. The information was processed through qualitative analysis that involved obtaining data by categories, subcategories and emerging units. Finally, content analysis was carried out to establish a comprehensive vision of the reality perceived by teachers. The Educational Model of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is structured according to three axes: a) Centrality of the person, an axis constituted by the anthropological and psychological dimensions; b) Living faith and Christian commitment, an axis made up of the theological, political and sociological dimensions; c) Service for educational quality, an axis integrated by the ethical, epistemological and histor-ical dimensions. The results show that the training of students and the educational praxis of teach-ers contributes to the integral development of the person from the axes and di-mensions of the educational model, promoting the full growth of the student with a transformative role and the positive impact on the society.
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