Bibliographic citations
Centeno, C., (2021). Actitudes de los padres adoptivos peruanos hacia la comunicación de los orígenes de sus hijos [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Centeno, C., Actitudes de los padres adoptivos peruanos hacia la comunicación de los orígenes de sus hijos [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2021.
title = "Actitudes de los padres adoptivos peruanos hacia la comunicación de los orígenes de sus hijos",
author = "Centeno Cervantes, Cynthia Antonieta",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2021"
Using a theoretical basis on the subject of adoption and specifically on the communication of origins in adoption, the purpose of the present study is to study the attitudes of Peruvian adoptive parents towards communicating the origins of their children. This research is descriptive, of a basic type and a transitional, descriptive and comparative design. The sample consisted of 85 adoptive fathers and mothers, of whom 51 were women and 34 were men. The instrument used for the data collection was the Adoption & Origin Scale, this Likert scale was constructed by the researcher, composed of 22 items divided into 5 dimensions: Who should report, When should report, What should be reported, How to report and To whom to report, obtaining validity and reliability through judges' judgement and Cronbach's alpha statistician. In contrasting the hypotheses, the analyzed results showed that the attitudes of Peruvian adoptive parents towards communicating their origins in adoption are neutral, in relation to the following dimensions: Who should report, when should report, what should be reported, are also neutral, with respect to dimensions: How to communicate and to whom to report, the attitudes of adoptive parents are positive. When comparing by sex of the adopter, there are no significant differences, and if there are differences by socio-economic level, there are no significant differences either. The findings are analyzed and discussed
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