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Veliz, G., (2021). Remisión fiscal: entre el garantismo y el paternalismo una lucha constante [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Veliz, G., Remisión fiscal: entre el garantismo y el paternalismo una lucha constante [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2021.
title = "Remisión fiscal: entre el garantismo y el paternalismo una lucha constante",
author = "Veliz Mayta, Gaudy Yely",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2021"
Title: Remisión fiscal: entre el garantismo y el paternalismo una lucha constante
Authors(s): Veliz Mayta, Gaudy Yely
Advisor(s): Cossio Cabrera, Ana Ysabel
Keywords: Presunción de inocencia; Remisión fiscal; Derecho de defensa
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2021
Institution: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón
Abstract: La presente investigación aborda el estudio de la presunción de inocencia y su
observancia en el otorgamiento de remisión fiscal, para ello se planteó como objetivo describir de qué manera se transgrede el principio de presunción de inocencia en el otorgamiento de remisión fiscal. En este sentido, se procedió al estudio de veinte carpetas fiscales, entrevistas a fiscales y beneficiarios de
remisión fiscal. Se utilizo un enfoque cualitativo de tipo descriptivo y diseño fenomenológico, obteniendo como resultados que en algunos casos se otorgó dicho beneficio cuando correspondía el archivo de la investigación, por no contarse con elementos de convicción que vinculen al adolescente investigado como autor o partícipe de la infracción penal, pese a que éste consintió su aplicación; situación que evidencia la inobservancia del principio de presunción de inocencia (dimensión de regla de trato y prueba)
This research addresses the study of the presumption of innocence and its observance in the granting of tax remission, for which purpose it was proposed to describe how the principle of presumption of innocence is violated in the granting of tax remission. In this sense, we proceeded to the study of twenty tax files, interviews with prosecutors and recipients of tax remission. Since the research has a qualitative approach of a descriptive type and phenomenological design, obtaining as results that in some cases said benefit was granted when the research file corresponded to the lack of elements of conviction that link the adolescent investigated as an author or participant of the criminal offense, despite the fact that he authorized its application; A situation that problematizes and shows the non-observance of the principle of presumption of innocence (dimension of the rule of treatment and evidence)
This research addresses the study of the presumption of innocence and its observance in the granting of tax remission, for which purpose it was proposed to describe how the principle of presumption of innocence is violated in the granting of tax remission. In this sense, we proceeded to the study of twenty tax files, interviews with prosecutors and recipients of tax remission. Since the research has a qualitative approach of a descriptive type and phenomenological design, obtaining as results that in some cases said benefit was granted when the research file corresponded to the lack of elements of conviction that link the adolescent investigated as an author or participant of the criminal offense, despite the fact that he authorized its application; A situation that problematizes and shows the non-observance of the principle of presumption of innocence (dimension of the rule of treatment and evidence)
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Discipline: Derecho Civil con mención en Derecho de Familia
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón. Escuela de Posgrado
Grade or title: Maestra en Derecho Civil con mención en Derecho de Familia
Juror: Cossio Cabrera, Ana Ysabel; Goicochea Elías, José Julio; Acosta Álvarez de Hoyle, Gloria María; Alarcón Alarcón, Rosario Guadalupe
Register date: 1-Oct-2021
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