Bibliographic citations
Álvarez, C., (2018). Calidad de vida, soporte social y autoeficacia para la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama [Tesis, Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón].
Álvarez, C., Calidad de vida, soporte social y autoeficacia para la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón; 2018.
title = "Calidad de vida, soporte social y autoeficacia para la adherencia al tratamiento en pacientes diagnosticadas con cáncer de mama",
author = "Álvarez Taco, Carmen Leni",
publisher = "Universidad Femenina del Sagrado Corazón",
year = "2018"
This study seeks to recognize the personal conditions of women with breast cancer (BC) at the start of their treatment. The objectives are: a) To establish the relationship between quality of life (QL), social support (SS) and self-efficacy for adherence to oncological treatment (S-SOT) in patients, and b) Compare the QL, the SS and the S-SOT between patients and non-patient. The study is descriptive level, basic, substantive and correlational type, and research designs: prospective correlational-causal and descriptive comparative. The participants are 49 women newly diagnosed with BC, 45 women not patients with relatives with cancer and 49 without relatives with cancer. The instruments used were: ComQol-A5 (Cummins, 1997), SS questionnaire by Sherbourne and Stewart (Londoño et al., 2012) and S-SOT scale, elaborated in the present study. Objective QL and SS are not significantly related, but the subjective QL does. Two factors of the objective QL (emotional and material well-being, and intimacy) and one of the subjective (satisfaction) are significantly related to the S-SOT. The satisfaction of the QL and the instrumental SS are predictors of the S-SOT. At a comparative level, there are significant differences in: a) the factors productivity, physical well-being and social inclusion (objective QL) in favor of non-patient women, b) subjective QL in favor of non-patient women without relatives with cancer, and c) the S-SOT in favor of the patients.
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