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Leon, Y., (2023). La posibilidad de adopción en la Ley de Acogimiento Familiar Peruano [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Leon, Y., La posibilidad de adopción en la Ley de Acogimiento Familiar Peruano []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2023.
title = "La posibilidad de adopción en la Ley de Acogimiento Familiar Peruano",
author = "Leon Vereau, Yolanda del Pilar",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2023"
Title: La posibilidad de adopción en la Ley de Acogimiento Familiar Peruano
Authors(s): Leon Vereau, Yolanda del Pilar
Advisor(s): Llanos Baltonado, Ana Maria Margarita
Keywords: Acogimiento familiar; Adopción; Interés superior del niño; Foster care; Adoption; Best interests of the child
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: Esta investigación, se enfocó en hallar los fundamentos sociales, psicológicos y jurídicos, para crear un puente normativo entre La Ley de Acogimiento Familiar y la Adopción en el Perú, teniendo en cuenta que el primero, es de carácter netamente temporal, y su contenido no asegura la preferencia para obtener la adopción del menor que se ha acogido en el seno familiar. Lo que se busca es que se haga posible la adopción del menor ante la familia que lo acogió de maneratemporal, ya que el menor crecerá en un entorno familiar. A pesar que, las precitadas normas, apuntan a la protección del menor en diferentes escenarios, no se ha establecido la preferencia prelativa por parte de la familia acogedora del menor, para poder efectuar la adopción. Para dicho propósito, se analizaron la base teórica y los fundamentos adecuados, obteniendo como logrofundamental en la presente investigación, una propuesta modificatoria que contiene la fórmula normativa acorde con la realidad problemática del menor, siempre en su beneficio y considerando como eje rector el “Interés Superior del Niño”.
This research focused on finding the social, psychological and legal foundations to create a normative bridge between the Foster Care Law and Adoption in Peru, taking into account that the former is of a purely temporary nature, and its content does not ensure the preference to obtain the adoption of the minor who has been welcomed into the family. Despite the fact that the aforementioned regulations aim to protect the minor in different settings, the prelative preference has not been established on the part of the foster family of the minor, in order to carry out the adoption. For this purpose, the theoretical basis and the appropriate foundations were analyzed, obtaining as a fundamental achievement in the present investigation, a modifying proposal that contains the normative formula in accordance with the problematic reality of the minor, always for their benefit and considering Interest as the guiding principle Superior of the Child.
This research focused on finding the social, psychological and legal foundations to create a normative bridge between the Foster Care Law and Adoption in Peru, taking into account that the former is of a purely temporary nature, and its content does not ensure the preference to obtain the adoption of the minor who has been welcomed into the family. Despite the fact that the aforementioned regulations aim to protect the minor in different settings, the prelative preference has not been established on the part of the foster family of the minor, in order to carry out the adoption. For this purpose, the theoretical basis and the appropriate foundations were analyzed, obtaining as a fundamental achievement in the present investigation, a modifying proposal that contains the normative formula in accordance with the problematic reality of the minor, always for their benefit and considering Interest as the guiding principle Superior of the Child.
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Discipline: Persona, Matrimonio y Familia
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Escuela de Postgrado
Grade or title: Maestro en Persona, Matrimonio y Familia
Juror: Ojeda Arriaran, Dora María; Estela Salazar, Nancy Emilia; Llanos Baltodano, Ana Maria Margarita
Register date: 2-Dec-2024
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