Bibliographic citations
Sagastegui, J., (2024). Medición de procesos alveolares en molares inferiores mediante tomografía Cone Beam en un centro radiológico, Trujillo 2023 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Sagastegui, J., Medición de procesos alveolares en molares inferiores mediante tomografía Cone Beam en un centro radiológico, Trujillo 2023 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Medición de procesos alveolares en molares inferiores mediante tomografía Cone Beam en un centro radiológico, Trujillo 2023",
author = "Sagastegui Jauregui, Julio David",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Introduction: Accurate assessment of alveolar processes in lower molars is crucial for the successful diagnosis and treatment of dental implants. These bone structures, which surround the roots of molars, exhibit considerable variability in shape and morphology, directly influencing tooth stability, functionality, oral health, and aesthetics. A detailed understanding of alveolar anatomy is essential for proper planning and execution of dental procedures, enabling professionals to determine optimal implant placement and prevent surgical complications. Objective: The objective of this study was to evaluate the measurement of alveolar processes in lower molars using Cone Beam tomography at a Radiological Center in Trujillo, in the year 2023. Materials and Methods: This was a descriptive, quantitative, cross-sectional, retrospective study. A total of 132 Cone Beam tomographies were analyzed, and measurements of the alveolar process of teeth 3.6, 3.7, 4.7, and 4.6 were calculated. Results: Statistically significant differences were found in the height of the interradicular septum (TBI) and the width at the level of point C of the interradicular septum between first and second molars. The height of the TBI was higher in first molars with a mean of 5.42 ± 4.40 mm, as well as the width of the TBI at point C, which was also higher in first molars with a mean of 2.12 ± 1.87 mm. Additionally, statistically significant differences were found in the length of apical bone between first and second molars, with first molars having a mean of 3.96 ± 3.15 mm. Conclusión: The height, width, and thickness of alveolar processes in first and second mandibular molars, depending on the tooth, showed statistically significant differences in the height of the interradicular septum (TBI) and the width at the level of point C of the interradicular septum.
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