Bibliographic citations
Maldonado, K., (2024). Creación de unidad de negocio para la producción de productos derivados de café en la empresa Aproagro Limcof, San Ignacio – Cajamarca 2022. Alternativa de financiamiento e inversión [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Maldonado, K., Creación de unidad de negocio para la producción de productos derivados de café en la empresa Aproagro Limcof, San Ignacio – Cajamarca 2022. Alternativa de financiamiento e inversión []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Creación de unidad de negocio para la producción de productos derivados de café en la empresa Aproagro Limcof, San Ignacio – Cajamarca 2022. Alternativa de financiamiento e inversión",
author = "Maldonado Jimenez, Keyla Johana",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
The objective of this research was: To identify the financing alternatives for the creationof a business unit for the production of coffee products in the company Romero Coffee Eirl, San Ignacio - Cajamarca 2022. The research was of a mixed approach, of an applied type and descriptive with a non-experimental design, 5 banking entities and the company under study were considered as the study population. The documentary analysis techniques of the financialentities were adapted, and the survey of 120 potential clients. The results the company APROAGRO LIMCOF begins its operations with 300 associates and currently has more than 800 and the capacity to produce coffee, cream ice cream as the most acceptable with 38%, majarwith 32% acceptance and 30% yogurt. The budget was prepared with the contribution of the partners S /60,000; for financing BBVA with 14.55%, BCP Peru with a TEA of 18.48%, Scotiabank with a TEA of 14.46%, for the loan it was changed to BBVA and for leasing to BCP, it will be extended that these financial instruments of loan and leasing are improvements.It is concluded that this business idea is viable, the initial investment is S / .139, 923.00, 57% is financing, it is extended that the VAN S / 260,799 when measuring income, expenses and theinitial investment is acceptable, and the IRR is 12.1% is obtained from the investment made.
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