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Contreras, R., (2024). Dependencia emocional en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Contreras, R., Dependencia emocional en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Dependencia emocional en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023",
author = "Contreras Campuzano, Ricardo Cesar",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Title: Dependencia emocional en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023
Authors(s): Contreras Campuzano, Ricardo Cesar
Advisor(s): Cortez Vidal, Marilia Sibele
Keywords: Dependencia emocional, policías, salud mental; Sexo, edad, factores de riesgo; Salud ocupacional, estrés laboral, bienestar psicológico; Emotional dependence, police officers, mental health; Sex, age, risk factors; Occupational health, job stress, psychological well-being
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: La dependencia emocional es una necesidad imperiosa afectiva que tiene la persona de estar junto a su pareja, los cuales le generan sentimientos de miedo e inseguridad y buscan vincularse o estar permanentemente cerca de la pareja. La investigación presenta un diseño no experimental, de tipo descriptivo. Como objetivo general del estudio fue determinar el nivel de dependencia emocional en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023; de igual forma, los objetivos específicos son identificar el nivel de dependencia emocional según sexo y edad, e identificar el nivel de dependencia emocional por factores en efectivos policiales de una comisaría, Chiclayo 2023. La población estuvo compuesta por 100 efectivos policiales, de ambos sexos, que tengan o hayan tenido al menos una relación de pareja en su vida, cuyas edades son mayores de 18 años. Se hizo uso del cuestionario de dependencia emocional, validado y elaborado por Aiquipa (2015). Se tuvo en cuenta los principios éticos de respeto, dignidad y autonomía a fin de salvaguardar su integridad psicológica y física de los participantes. Los resultados indicaron que el 73% de los participantes, obtuvieron un nivel bajo de dependencia emocional, siendo más prevalente en el sexo femenino, pertenecientes a la adultez temprana.
Emotional dependence is an urgent emotional need that a person has to be with their partner, which generates feelings of fear and insecurity and they seek to bond or be permanently close to their partner. The research presents a non-experimental, descriptive design. The general objective of the study was to determine the level of emotional dependence in police officers at a police station, Chiclayo 2023; Likewise, the specific objectives are to identify the level of emotional dependence according to sex and age, and to identify the level of emotional dependence by factors in police officers from a police station, Chiclayo 2023. The population was made up of 100 police officers, of both sexes. , who have or have had at least one relationship in their life, whose ages are over 18 years old. The emotional dependence questionnaire was used, validated and developed by Aiquipa (2015). The ethical principles of respect, dignity and autonomy were taken into account in order to safeguard the psychological and physical integrity of the participants. The results indicated that 73% of the participants obtained a low level of emotional dependence, being more prevalent in females, belonging to early adulthood.
Emotional dependence is an urgent emotional need that a person has to be with their partner, which generates feelings of fear and insecurity and they seek to bond or be permanently close to their partner. The research presents a non-experimental, descriptive design. The general objective of the study was to determine the level of emotional dependence in police officers at a police station, Chiclayo 2023; Likewise, the specific objectives are to identify the level of emotional dependence according to sex and age, and to identify the level of emotional dependence by factors in police officers from a police station, Chiclayo 2023. The population was made up of 100 police officers, of both sexes. , who have or have had at least one relationship in their life, whose ages are over 18 years old. The emotional dependence questionnaire was used, validated and developed by Aiquipa (2015). The ethical principles of respect, dignity and autonomy were taken into account in order to safeguard the psychological and physical integrity of the participants. The results indicated that 73% of the participants obtained a low level of emotional dependence, being more prevalent in females, belonging to early adulthood.
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Discipline: Psicología
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Medicina
Grade or title: Licenciado en Psicología
Juror: Becerra Escate, Nelly Patricia; Diaz Villanueva, Elmer; Cortez Vidal, Maria Sibele
Register date: 15-Nov-2024
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