Bibliographic citations
Puyen, S., (2023). Diseño de máquina plantadora de pino y eucalipto con capacidad de 594 plantas/hr. para forestar bosques de la serranía peruana [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Puyen, S., Diseño de máquina plantadora de pino y eucalipto con capacidad de 594 plantas/hr. para forestar bosques de la serranía peruana []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2023.
title = "Diseño de máquina plantadora de pino y eucalipto con capacidad de 594 plantas/hr. para forestar bosques de la serranía peruana",
author = "Puyen Villegas, Santiago Junior",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2023"
In recent years, the indiscriminate felling of trees and forest fires have been predating our forests in the Peruvian highlands at great speed, in the period 2002-2019 a total deforestation of 1,97 million hectares was registered, with 628 in the sierra region 313 hectares of forest, currently the annual average of deforestation in the forests of our country is 150 000 hectares per year. In 2014, deforestation reached a peak of 177 571 hectares of forests, with a tendency to continue growing; it is estimated that in 2030 deforestation may exceed 350 000 hectares per year. Due to this great problem, the corresponding entities and municipalities in the affected areas find it necessary to propose, plan and execute afforestation or reforestation projects to combat this great environmental problem, when executing these projects they do it with traditional planting techniques, the affected areas are extensive and requires a great deal of time and personnel, which makes it arduous work, so if a practical solution is found, it could contribute to the fight against this environmental problem in the region. Therefore, in the present work a pine and eucalyptus planting machine was designed for afforesting forests in the Peruvian highlands. This machine travels at an average speed of 1 m /s with the help of an agricultural tractor, it has a mechanism for tilling the soil, a mechanism that allows the seedling to be manually placed in the hole and finally another mechanism that covers the seedling and compacts the removed soil, the machine has an average planting capacity of 1 188 seedlings / hour and a storage capacity of 200 pine and / or eucalyptus seedlings in its hopper. The project began with a study of the deforested area, the area to be reforested and the forested or reforested area in the Peruvian highlands, then essential parameters of the characteristics of the seedling to be planted were collected, as well as the traditional planting forms and their configuration of plantation. Subsequently, the structure of functions was elaborated, the morphological matrix from which the solution concepts were designed and the most optimal for the design was selected by means of a decision matrix. Once this step was achieved, we proceeded to calculate, size and select the parts and / or equipment that make up the machine to later model it in SolidWorks and prepare the exploded and assembly drawings. finally the list of approximate costs of the elements designed and / or selected was drawn up. The result of the project was a pine planting machine which will have a storage capacity of 200 seedlings in its hopper, with a ground speed of 1 m / s pulled by a tractor with a PTO with an average planting capacity of 1 188 seedlings / hour. The estimated cost of the machine was S /. 24 081,75.
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