Bibliographic citations
Labrin, G., (2023). Diseño de un sistema automatizado del proceso de corte para aumentar la productividad de una mype del sector confecciones [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Labrin, G., Diseño de un sistema automatizado del proceso de corte para aumentar la productividad de una mype del sector confecciones []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2023.
title = "Diseño de un sistema automatizado del proceso de corte para aumentar la productividad de una mype del sector confecciones",
author = "Labrin Gil, Gilary Ariana",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2023"
Automation has been used to reduce production costs, improve product quality with control of the production process. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to propose an automated design of the cutting process for the clothing sector. Therefore, in the first instance, the diagnosis was made, from said evaluation it was carried out, that the factors that cause the low productivity of the cutting process: operator errors during the process, obsolete work method, and the low efficiency of the cutting machine. With the situation presented, the most efficient systems are considered by weightings, thus obtaining an automated system which allows the fabric to be laid and cut, all commanded with the CNC (computerized numerical control); With the proposal, new indicators are generated, these allow eliminating reprocessed parts, reducing losses to the ideal 2%, and reducing times by 64.53%; By obtaining new indicators it has been demonstrated by making a comparison of the before and after of the automated system. Finally, a cost-benefit analysis was prepared, with said data it was concluded that for each sole invested, 24.46 soles are earned and an internal rate of return of 243%, a current net value of S/.684 589, 11 soles over a period of 5 years, being a very viable and profitable project.
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