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Guillermo, R., (2024). Estrategias para la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022 [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Guillermo, R., Estrategias para la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022 []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Estrategias para la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022",
author = "Guillermo Pasco, Rodrigo Antonio",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Title: Estrategias para la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022
Authors(s): Guillermo Pasco, Rodrigo Antonio
Advisor(s): Beltran Portilla, Flor de Maria
Keywords: Gestión financiera; Estrategias financieras; Pequeña y mediana empresa (PYME); Financial management; Financial strategies; Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general formular estrategias financieras para mejorar la gestión financiera de la empresa SerminMac EIRL periodo 2020 – 2022. El tipo de investigación desarrollado fue de enfoque mixto, tipo aplicado, nivel descriptivo y diseño no experimental. Las técnicas e instrumentos que permitieron la recopilación de la información fue el análisis documental y la entrevista aplicada al gerente y su contador de la empresa.
Los resultados obtenidos son los siguientes: Se desarrolló un diagnóstico económico y financiero que nos permitió identificar deficiencias en sus ingresos y gastos; así como, determinar que la empresa no cuenta con un modelo de gestión financiera que le permita planificar, ejecutar y controlar los diferentes proyectos simultáneos que le son requeridos; ante esa problemática, como aporte de la presente investigación se ha diseñado estrategias financieras para que la empresa pueda tener en cuenta y aplicarlas en su modelo de gestión y así procurar mejores resultados.
The general objective of this research was to formulate financial strategies to improve the financial management of the company SerminMac EIRL period 2020 - 2022. The type of research developed was a mixed approach, applied type, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The techniques and instruments that allowed the collection of information were documentary analysis and the interview applied to the manager and his company accountant. The results obtained are the following: An economic and financial diagnosis was developed that allowed us to identify deficiencies in their income and expenses; as well as, determining that the company does not have a financial management model that allows it to plan, execute and control the different simultaneous projects that are required of it; Given this problem, as a contribution to this research, financial strategies have been designed so that the company can take them into account and apply them in its management model and thus achieve better results.
The general objective of this research was to formulate financial strategies to improve the financial management of the company SerminMac EIRL period 2020 - 2022. The type of research developed was a mixed approach, applied type, descriptive level and non-experimental design. The techniques and instruments that allowed the collection of information were documentary analysis and the interview applied to the manager and his company accountant. The results obtained are the following: An economic and financial diagnosis was developed that allowed us to identify deficiencies in their income and expenses; as well as, determining that the company does not have a financial management model that allows it to plan, execute and control the different simultaneous projects that are required of it; Given this problem, as a contribution to this research, financial strategies have been designed so that the company can take them into account and apply them in its management model and thus achieve better results.
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Discipline: Contabilidad
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Ciencias Empresariales
Grade or title: Contador Público
Juror: Montenegro Perez, Luis Antonio; Espinoza Tello, Eduardo Enrique; eltran Portilla, Flor de Maria
Register date: 25-Jun-2024
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