Bibliographic citations
Medina, S., (2024). Renaturalización del borde urbano del Río Tingo Maygasbamba mediante un corredor biológico como eje estructurador para la ciudad de Bambamarca [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Medina, S., Renaturalización del borde urbano del Río Tingo Maygasbamba mediante un corredor biológico como eje estructurador para la ciudad de Bambamarca []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Renaturalización del borde urbano del Río Tingo Maygasbamba mediante un corredor biológico como eje estructurador para la ciudad de Bambamarca",
author = "Medina Cotrina, Samantha de Lourdes",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Rivers are the living axes that structure a territory, they are givers of life and development of towns and cities, however, accelerated and poorly planned urban growth has turned its back on the rivers, turning them into concrete sarcophagi. This research was carried out in the city of Bambamarca, Cajamarca, in order to stop the appropriation, deterioration and contamination of the banks of the Tingo Maygasbamba River, which in a large part of its stretch is in contact with informal housing, in its marginal strips. The research was structured in three phases: analytical, interpretive and propositional; that make up the Renaturalization Methodology. The first phase focused on the analysis of the current situation and the problems of the urban edges of the Tingo Maygasbamba River, it was developed under two approaches, the first studied and analyzed the urban landscape and its various indicators and the second focused on the environment. natural and landscape components. After the analysis of this first phase, each indicator was described and analyzed, reaching conclusions. The second phase focused on the study of theories, references and strategies related to the renaturalization of river banks and edges. Strategies such as ecological corridor, green ring, biotic corridor, buffer zones, eco-urbanism, among others, were analyzed and interpreted to be applied in the third phase where these strategies were applied in the territory at a macro level, which includes city and environment, a Master Plan and Pilot Plan was executed in the first instance, where all the theories and strategies previously studied were landed.
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