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Ascanoa, O., (2024). Restricciones en el uso de las redes sociales en las instituciones gubernamentales [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Ascanoa, O., Restricciones en el uso de las redes sociales en las instituciones gubernamentales []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2024.
title = "Restricciones en el uso de las redes sociales en las instituciones gubernamentales",
author = "Ascanoa Cusman, Orlando Jesus",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2024"
Title: Restricciones en el uso de las redes sociales en las instituciones gubernamentales
Authors(s): Ascanoa Cusman, Orlando Jesus
Advisor(s): Centurion Gonzalez, Freddy Ronald
Keywords: Redes sociales; Instituciones gubernamentales; Libertad de expresión; Social networks; Government institutions; Freedom of expression
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2024
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo
Abstract: La investigación en cuestión trata acerca de las restricciones en el uso de las redes sociales en instituciones gubernamentales. En la introducción se menciona que las redes sociales se están consolidando como los canales oficiales para la interacción entre los funcionarios públicos y la población, y que cada vez es más frecuente que las personas consulten directamente con las redes de los distintos canales gubernamentales para adquirir información de primera mano. El objetivo del presente documento es establecer pautas claras sobre cómo se deben manejar las redes sociales en el ámbito gubernamental, teniendo en cuenta que las opiniones vertidas en ellas también consisten en un ejercicio de la libertad de expresión. Se destaca la importancia de tratar adecuadamente el tema en el sistema judicial. En cuanto a las restricciones, se menciona que es necesario tener cuidado con la información confidencial y protegerl adecuadamente. También se debe evitar hacer comentarios ofensivos o discriminatorios, así como publicar información falsa o engañosa. Además, se recomienda no utilizar las redes sociales para fines personales o partidistas. En conclusión, este trabajo ofrece una guía útil
para el manejo adecuado de las redes sociales en instituciones gubernamentales, destacando la importancia de proteger la información confidencial y evitar comentarios ofensivos o engañosos.
The current investigation it’s about the restrictions in the use of the government entities’ social networks. In the introduction it is mentioned that the social networks are consolidating as the official channels for the interaction between the public workers and the population, and that i t is becoming more common that the people ask directly with the networks of the different government channels to acquire first hand information. The objective of this document is to establish clear guidelines on how social media should be managed in the governmental sphere, taking into account that the opinions expressed in them also constitute an exercise of freedom of expression. The importance of properly addressing the issue within the judicial system is emphasized. Regarding restrictions, it is mentioned that it is necessary to be careful with confidential information and protect it adequately. Offensive or discriminatory comments should also be avoided, as well as the dissemination of false or misleading information. Furthermore, it is recommended not to use social media for personal or partisan purposes. In conclusion, this work provides a useful guide for the proper management of social media in governmental institutions, highlighting the importance of protecting confidential information and avoiding offensive or misleading comments.
The current investigation it’s about the restrictions in the use of the government entities’ social networks. In the introduction it is mentioned that the social networks are consolidating as the official channels for the interaction between the public workers and the population, and that i t is becoming more common that the people ask directly with the networks of the different government channels to acquire first hand information. The objective of this document is to establish clear guidelines on how social media should be managed in the governmental sphere, taking into account that the opinions expressed in them also constitute an exercise of freedom of expression. The importance of properly addressing the issue within the judicial system is emphasized. Regarding restrictions, it is mentioned that it is necessary to be careful with confidential information and protect it adequately. Offensive or discriminatory comments should also be avoided, as well as the dissemination of false or misleading information. Furthermore, it is recommended not to use social media for personal or partisan purposes. In conclusion, this work provides a useful guide for the proper management of social media in governmental institutions, highlighting the importance of protecting confidential information and avoiding offensive or misleading comments.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo. Facultad de Derecho
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Alvarado Tapia, Katherinee Del Pilar; Hernandez Rengifo, Freddy Widmar; Centurion Gonzalez, Freddy Ronald
Register date: 14-May-2024
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