Bibliographic citations
Ventura, S., (2023). Llasú para mejorar la convivencia democrática en niños de cuatro años de la IEP Rosita de Jesús, Chiclayo [Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo].
Ventura, S., Llasú para mejorar la convivencia democrática en niños de cuatro años de la IEP Rosita de Jesús, Chiclayo []. PE: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo; 2023.
title = "Llasú para mejorar la convivencia democrática en niños de cuatro años de la IEP Rosita de Jesús, Chiclayo",
author = "Ventura Vidaurre, Sheyla Yanely",
publisher = "Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo",
year = "2023"
At present, some regions of Peru have many difficulties with respect to peaceful coexistence, because the majority of subjects do not obey or respect the norms, rights and duties that society has. In this context, an investigation was carried out with the objective of designing a Llasú program based on cooperative games based on rules to develop democratic coexistence in 4-year-old I.E.P. Rosita de Jesús -Chiclayo. The non-experimental design was used, taking as a sample 30 students, selected by intentional non-probabilistic sampling, to whom a checklist was applied to measure the level of peaceful coexistence in the children. The instrument was adapted by the researcher, subjected to expert judgment, obtaining a validity of 0.91 and a reliability of 0.878. As a result, it was obtained that 63% of the students do not develop a good peaceful coexistence in the following dimensions: a) relates to each subject b) elaboration of norms c) use of disagreement. Likewise, a proposal was made based on a game of rules program which consists of 12 sessions, which were validated by expert professionals, who gave it a score of 98.1% validity. It is concluded that the child needs different playful or recreational activities based on the game of rules in order to improve the level of peaceful coexistence in pre-school children.
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