Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4267
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 4267
- 6 Avila Benito, Carlos Moises
- 6 Bello Merlo, Ever
- 6 Cerrón Siuce, Miguel Ángel
- 6 Doza Damián, Miriam Jacqueline
- 6 Flores Chávez, Rubén Jorge
- 6 Gaspar Samaniego, Janet Elena
- 6 Herrera Falcón, María Laura
- 6 Holgado Gonzales, Milagritos Soledad
- 6 López Guevara, Noelia Guadalupe
- 6 Mayhua Quispe, Luis Miguel
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Date issued
- 3571 2020 - 2024
- 696 2011 - 2019
Access rights
Document type
Renati type
Program Ranking
- 520 Ingeniería Ambiental
- 439 Ingeniería Civil
- 384 Psicología
- 362 Odontología
- 306 Ingeniería de Minas
- 293 Derecho
- 235 Ingeniería Industrial
- 210 Medicina Humana
- 166 Contabilidad
- 140 Ingeniería Eléctrica
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