Bibliographic citations
Callao, J., (2020). Sistema de información basado en la metodología activa para mejorar los niveles de comprensión lectora del 2º de primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga de Caro del distrito de Calzada, provincia de Moyobamba [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Callao, J., Sistema de información basado en la metodología activa para mejorar los niveles de comprensión lectora del 2º de primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga de Caro del distrito de Calzada, provincia de Moyobamba []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2020.
title = "Sistema de información basado en la metodología activa para mejorar los niveles de comprensión lectora del 2º de primaria de la Institución Educativa Nº 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga de Caro del distrito de Calzada, provincia de Moyobamba",
author = "Callao Lopez, Juan Erick",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2020"
The present research project entitled "Information system based on the active methodology to improve the reading comprehension levels of the 2nd grade of primary school in the Educational Institution Nº 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga de Caro in the district of Calzada, province of Moyobamba", developed with funding from the National University of San Martín in 2017, aims to implement a technological tool to improve reading comprehension in the 2nd grade of primary school in Educational Institution No. 00743 Blanca Rosa Anduaga De Caro in the District of Calzada, Province of Moyobamba. The research question is the following: To which extent will the use of an information system improve reading comprehension in the second grade of primary school in the Educational Institution Nº 00743, Blanca Rosa Anduaga de Caro in the District of Calzada, Province of Moyobamba?, the answer to this question is made through an applied study and quasi-experimental research level. Additionally, a pre and post test was designed, which allowed to know the situation before and after the implementation of the computer system ( The answers were obtained regarding the improvement of reading comprehension (results obtained by applying a test which shows significant improvement) in the mean of the results comparing the experimental group with the control group. Furthermore, these results are reflected in the percentage improvement of the students' achievement levels, since in the first exam the following results were obtained: students in the beginning 60% in process 20% and in satisfactory 20% and after having applied the treatment the following results were obtained: students in the beginning 19%, in process 38% and in satisfactory 43%, thus showing that the students' interest and performance increased from low achievement levels to acceptable levels. In conclusion, it is recommended that the use of the proposal for the improvement of reading comprehension in the second grade of the BRAC Educational Institution be made more widespread, and in this way improve the quality of basic education with an active methodology using information technologies.
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