Bibliographic citations
Rimarachin, M., Quispe, W. (2019). Análisis e interpretación de los estados financieros para la toma de decisiones en la Empresa Rectificaciones y Repuestos Tarapoto SAC, Periodo, 2016-2017. [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Rimarachin, M., Quispe, W. Análisis e interpretación de los estados financieros para la toma de decisiones en la Empresa Rectificaciones y Repuestos Tarapoto SAC, Periodo, 2016-2017. [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Análisis e interpretación de los estados financieros para la toma de decisiones en la Empresa Rectificaciones y Repuestos Tarapoto SAC, Periodo, 2016-2017.",
author = "Quispe Tapia, Wilver",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
The objective of the following study was to analyze and interpret the financial statements for decision making in the company Rectifications and Spare Parts Tarapoto SAC, a study carried out in order to contribute with this company to know its current situation and provide guidelines that allow decisions to be made to The management. To carry out this work, the design of non-experimental research was used, since it focuses on a minimum population and sample. The type of investigation is applied, since for its execution the information provided by the same study subject was used; specific case: the financial statements. The investigation was carried out according to its purposes focused on the “descriptive” level because it allowed to process and analyze the data collection. As a result of our work, it was possible to show that the company in 2017, had a slight growth compared to 2016. It can be seen in the results of the different methods of analysis of financial statements used; However, these results do not mean that those in charge of carrying the destiny of the company are going to cross their arms, on the contrary, this material will help to make much more accurate decisions, being one step ahead of the competition and according to high standards of competitiveness that the current market demands, in order to remain in the market for an unlimited time.
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