Bibliographic citations
Diaz, G., (2019). El delito de usurpación y su afectación al derecho de posesión en las invasiones en el distrito de Tarapoto, año 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Diaz, G., El delito de usurpación y su afectación al derecho de posesión en las invasiones en el distrito de Tarapoto, año 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "El delito de usurpación y su afectación al derecho de posesión en las invasiones en el distrito de Tarapoto, año 2018",
author = "Diaz Sangama, Gilmer Joel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
The following research work entitled: The crime of usurpation and its impact on the right of possession in invasions in the district of Tarapoto, in 2018, aims to determine the incidence of the crime of usurpation in the right to possession in invasions in the district of Tarapoto, year 2018; The type of investigation is basic, its level of investigation is descriptive correlational, the sample taken was made up of 10 physical judicial files, with a judicial decision of first instance, issued in 2018. From the results it could be concluded that the negative incidence of usurpation in the right to possession, it is high, this because in 67% of the processes, they complete an acquittal, that is, they do not find the invaders responsible and therefore there is no judicial ruling on the restitution of possession by taxable person, while 17% of them end up with a conviction, since, the time they remain deprived or disturbed of the possession is excessively prolonged that can last from months to years, if the elapsed time is taken into account from the moment they are invaded, plus the duration of the criminal process provided that the preventive eviction has not been granted, to that, we must add the duration of a prolonged civil process (in cases where acquittal is obtained).
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