Bibliographic citations
Portocarrero, L., (2021). Sistema de información para mejorar la gestión de programas de estudio en el Centro Peruano Americano El Cultural – Tarapoto [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Portocarrero, L., Sistema de información para mejorar la gestión de programas de estudio en el Centro Peruano Americano El Cultural – Tarapoto []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2021.
title = "Sistema de información para mejorar la gestión de programas de estudio en el Centro Peruano Americano El Cultural – Tarapoto",
author = "Portocarrero Loja, Luis Angel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2021"
Learning an additional language has become a necessity in this globalized society, the knowledge of a new language has become very important in areas such as commerce, tourism, media and science, which is why many people, in order to improve these aspects and have better opportunities in these fields, choose to learn a new language. The Centro Peruano Americano El Cultural located in Tarapoto has different programs for teaching English and is well received in the city for its academic quality. However, in this institution the management of study programs has deficiencies such as the unnecessary complexity in their academic records, since this process is currently being done manually and traditionally, which generates the waste of resources and in turn the delay in the delivery of final grades. Nowadays, information systems provide support to management processes, allowing many organizations to achieve the necessary flexibility to survive in today's competitive market. The purpose of this research was to determine the influence of the information system in the management of study programs at the Centro Peruano Americano El Cultural - Tarapoto, since according to information from the user population, the current system is not adequate because some processes are still carried out manually, causing delays and discomfort for administrative and teaching staff. For this purpose, it was divided into three components: component 1: Analyze the processes of program management at the Peruvian American Center El Cultural - Tarapoto. 2: Develop and implement an information system to improve the management of programs of study. 3: Measure the results of the implementation of the information system in the management of study programs. Thus obtaining an analysis of the information system, and then design and implement it, achieving a substantial improvement in the management of study programs at the Peruvian American Center El Cultural - Tarapoto. In this way, an analysis of the information system was obtained, in order to design and implement it, achieving a substantial improvement in the management of the study programs at the Peruvian-American Center El Cultural - Tarapoto.
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