Bibliographic citations
Vela, M., Tuesta, M. (2018). Aplicación de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita (Clinoptilolita), para la remoción de hierro y manganeso del agua de la microcuenca Juninguillo la Mina a escala piloto Moyobamba - 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Vela, M., Tuesta, M. Aplicación de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita (Clinoptilolita), para la remoción de hierro y manganeso del agua de la microcuenca Juninguillo la Mina a escala piloto Moyobamba - 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Aplicación de una batería de filtros empacados en zeolita (Clinoptilolita), para la remoción de hierro y manganeso del agua de la microcuenca Juninguillo la Mina a escala piloto Moyobamba - 2016",
author = "Tuesta Lavi, Mayra",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
This research project seeks to improve the water quality of the gully in the mine of Juninguillo in its concentration of iron and manganese so that it is a water suitable for human consumption; A battery of zeolite filters (clinopt ilolite) was applied and these metals comply with the concentrations stipulated in the water quality regulations for human consumption. A characterization was carried out in the waters of the Juninguillo the mine stream, obtaining concentrations of 1.00 mg / L-Fe + 2, 0.04 mg / L-Mn + 2, 25.00 UNT, 50.00 μS / cm, pH 6.87 and STD 25.00 mg / L. The design of the zeolite filter battery (clinoptilolite) is of a flow rate of 35.00 m3 / day and obeys general aspects stipulated by the National Building Regulations and Manual II: design of appropriate CEPIS / OMS technology plant / PAHO. The application of the treatment to the water of the Juninguillo the mine gulch implies only the removal of iron and manganese with the battery of zeolite filters (clinoptilolite) of 2 different granulometries: Ø = 2.36 mm that removes 48.22% of Fe + 2 and 67.50% of Mn + 2 and Ø = 4.75mm that removes 30.89% of Fe + 2 and 47.47% of Mn + 2, determining that the zeolite (clinoptilolite) of Ø = 2 , 36mm removes greater percentage of the input concentrations of the heavy metals under study. With the most efficient diameter which is Ø = 2.36 mm by direct filtration; A pre-treatment system consisting of aeration by means of multiple trays and sedimentation was added. The comparison of the concentrations of iron and manganese obtained from the laboratory tests of direct filtration with zeolite (clinoptilolite), with the LMP of water quality for human consumption do not comply, having an average concentration of 0.485 mg / L-Fe + 2 and 0,069 mg / L-Mn + 2 for a diameter of 2,36 mm of zeolite (clinoptilolite) and 0,775 mg / L-Fe + 2 and 0,097 mg / L-Mn + 2 for a diameter of 4,75 mm of zeolite (clinoptilolite), however the filtration with zeolite (clinoptilolita) of 2.36 mm is the most efficient diameter in removal, adding to this a pretreatment of aeration and decantation if it complies with the LMP of the Regulation of water quality for human consumption , having average output concentrations of 0.247mg / L-Fe + 2 and 0.012 mg / L-Mn + 2.
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