Bibliographic citations
Ishuiza, J., (2018). Clima organizacional en los docentes de nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Juan Jiménez Pimentel – Tarapoto, 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Ishuiza, J., Clima organizacional en los docentes de nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Juan Jiménez Pimentel – Tarapoto, 2016 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Clima organizacional en los docentes de nivel secundaria de la institución educativa Juan Jiménez Pimentel – Tarapoto, 2016",
author = "Ishuiza Amasifuen, Julio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
The results of a simple descriptive research are presented, which refers to the Organizational Climate of the Teachers. A total of 38 teachers from the secondary level of the Juan Jiménez Pimentel Educational Institution of the Province of San Martín participated in the San Martín Region, where a satisfactory organizational climate is evident. Trying to understand the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on the behavior within the organization, allows to improve the effectiveness and reach of its objectives, this behavior occurs due to the organizational culture that prevails in them. Reflection of this is the organizational climate, which allows to know the perceptions that the worker has the characteristics of the organization, which influences the attitudes and behavior of teachers, it is necessary to conduct research regarding the organizational climate (CO). The study was carried out between the months of August and December of 2016, with a quantitative approach, with the use of the information technique, the survey and the instrument of the questionnaire. Finally, the results are analyzed by looking for indicators of a good organizational climate and the difficulties generated by them in order to propose improvement measures in the organizational climate. This study arrived at the conclusion that the relations of the teachers in the I.E. Juan Jiménez Pimentel are the right ones.
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