Bibliographic citations
Gonzales, C., Vela, M. (2020). Estudio de los lineamientos arquitectónicos de un centro de desarrollo comunitario que potencie las actividades socioculturales en la ciudad de Tarapoto [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Gonzales, C., Vela, M. Estudio de los lineamientos arquitectónicos de un centro de desarrollo comunitario que potencie las actividades socioculturales en la ciudad de Tarapoto []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2020.
title = "Estudio de los lineamientos arquitectónicos de un centro de desarrollo comunitario que potencie las actividades socioculturales en la ciudad de Tarapoto",
author = "Vela Diaz, Milagros del Carmen",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2020"
Sociocultural activities are an important expression of people. Public spaces are the most optimal to develop activities that enhance collective life, the cities that grow from them seek to supply with private equipment and are limited to certain categories, the most inclusive option is to have public facilities that generate the same opportunities for social development in a city. Community Development Centers are focused on public places that promote coexistence, offer social services, and strengthen community interaction. The peripheries of cities are in need of intervention because most of them are abandoned, degraded and without identity. A Community Development Center constitutes a great focus of interest for citizens because it is an enhancer that reactivates these marginalized areas. For this, a study was conducted identifying the facilities where such activities are promoted, as well as the analysis of the periphery of the city, which helps to understand the needs of citizens, and how to act in the physical territory, In addition, the analysis of the edge of the city, the flows, the peculiar characteristics of the site, the behavior of the Cumbaza River, which is a conditioning factor to intervene in the periphery, and the study of the users and their activities. All this leads to generate guidelines that respond to the reality under study, concluding that the proposal for a Community Development Center is applicable.
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