Bibliographic citations
Calle, D., (2017). Estimación del potencial de captura de carbono de un bosque secundario en el sector Lago Avispa y su contribución como sumideros naturales frente al cambio climático, Requena – 2016 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Calle, D., Estimación del potencial de captura de carbono de un bosque secundario en el sector Lago Avispa y su contribución como sumideros naturales frente al cambio climático, Requena – 2016 [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2017.
title = "Estimación del potencial de captura de carbono de un bosque secundario en el sector Lago Avispa y su contribución como sumideros naturales frente al cambio climático, Requena – 2016",
author = "Calle Rojas, Dalimbert David",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2017"
This study contemplates the quantification of the biomass and carbon captured by the forests in the lake wasp sector. The IPCC, (1995); Lashof and Ahuja, (1990); Mintzer, (1992) and Dixon et al. (1994), they cite that, the current panorama of the increase of atmospheric CO2 and the tendency to that can increase more the rate of net emission is discouraging. However, fortunately it is possible to reduce these emissions to the atmosphere through the biological cycle known as the carbon cycle. Accurately estimating the dynamics of net carbon fluxes between forests and the atmosphere (that is, the emission-capture balance) is one of the most important open problems in the discussion on climate change, by identifying the problems that were unleashed in the world for the increase of CO2, I am motivated to develop the following project whose approach to the problem is synthesized in the following question: How can the estimate of the carbon capture potential of a secondary forest in the Wasp Lake |sector allow to contribute as natural sinks in the face of climate change ?. The objective was to estimate the potential of Carbon Capture of a secondary forest, and also its contribution as natural sinks against climate change, in the town of Requena. It was identified in the study area and 4 plots of 25x100m were established, then the information was found where 76 plant species were found, the biomass of the species found by plot and study area (1 ha) was calculated, and estimated the amount of carbon captured. In the productive comparison, it was observed that litter captured 12383.99 Tn C ha-1, resulting in a greater amount of stored carbon than living biomass (7,976 Tn C ha-1), with a deference of 12376,004 Tn C ha-1. The amount of carbon stored in a secondary forest (1 ha), in the Wasp Lake sector, according to the study carried out on 251 trees, provides an effective contribution as a carbon sink, and contributes by cushioning the effects of climate change. It is important to carry out a new study where we can compare the results over time and validate the results obtained in this research.
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