Bibliographic citations
Mego, G., (2018). Evaluación del efecto biofertilizante de la cáscara de Musa balbisiana (plátano) en un cultivo de Vigna ungiculata (frijol chiclayo) [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Mego, G., Evaluación del efecto biofertilizante de la cáscara de Musa balbisiana (plátano) en un cultivo de Vigna ungiculata (frijol chiclayo) [Tesis]. : Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2018.
title = "Evaluación del efecto biofertilizante de la cáscara de Musa balbisiana (plátano) en un cultivo de Vigna ungiculata (frijol chiclayo)",
author = "Mego Guerra, Gino Giovanni",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2018"
The present research work seeks, through experimentation in the field, to discover if there is a significant difference between adding and not adding banana peel in a legume crop waiting for a biofertilizing effect in it; as for example, greater length of pods and greater number of grains per pod. The research shows how the preparation and fertilization of the field was developed, the growth of the legume plantation over time through the collection and processing of data and the results obtained from the harvest of pods for each block of treatment. The data that was collected to have a notion of the possible effect that the banana peel could achieve as a biofertilizer are: the number of leaves per plant, height per plant, flowers per plant, number of pods per plant, length of pods per plant and number of grains per pod. In this way, when processing the data by statistical methods such as the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multiple-range test (DUNCAN), they will allow to affirm if the treatments applied are different or equal and to conclude which would be the optimal treatment if it were the case. It was ensured that the data obtained for the research project is accurate and accurate to obtain data according to reality and thus specify a research that seeks the truth and adds new knowledge on issues of solid waste use, which relates this thesis with the environmental engineering career.
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