Bibliographic citations
Flores, A., (2021). Clasificación de las cesáreas según el modelo de Robson en el Hospital Santa Gema Yurimaguas, enero 2020 - diciembre 2020 [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Flores, A., Clasificación de las cesáreas según el modelo de Robson en el Hospital Santa Gema Yurimaguas, enero 2020 - diciembre 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2021.
title = "Clasificación de las cesáreas según el modelo de Robson en el Hospital Santa Gema Yurimaguas, enero 2020 - diciembre 2020",
author = "Flores Vasquez, Arsenio",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2021"
The objective of this research was to identify the rate of cesarean sections according to Robson's model in patients who underwent cesarean section at the Santa Gema Hospital in Yurimaguas, January 2020 to December 2020. Method: the study was descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional. The population consisted of 2052 deliveries, the sample was 586 medical records of patients with cesarean delivery, the sample was obtained with the finite population formula 236 patients. The information was collected directly from the medical records and recorded on the data collection form. Statistical analysis and presentation of graphs and tables were performed using Excel 2019. The following results were obtained: During the period from January to December 2020, 2052 deliveries were attended, 586 of which (29.0%) were by cesarean section and 1466 (71.0%) by vaginal delivery. The age of the majority were between 18 and 35 years old, 84% were cohabitants and 57% had high school education. The application of the Robson model showed that the groups with the highest cesarean section rates were group 1 and group 2, with 26% and 25%, respectively, followed by group 3 with rates of 16%, and group 9 with the lowest contribution, with a relative rate of 1%. Conclusions: At Santa Gema Hospital Yurimaguas the overall cesarean section rate is 29%, according to sociodemographic characteristics the age of most patients are between 18 and 35 years old and have secondary education and are cohabitants. The group that contributes most to the cesarean section rate is group 1 and 5 with 26% each, group 9 contributes 1% to the overall cesarean section rate.
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