Bibliographic citations
Pinedo, A., Puelles, M. (2021). Marketing de servicio y calidad de atención de los turistas en hoteles de categoría tres estrellas, Tarapoto - San Martín, 2019 [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Pinedo, A., Puelles, M. Marketing de servicio y calidad de atención de los turistas en hoteles de categoría tres estrellas, Tarapoto - San Martín, 2019 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2021.
title = "Marketing de servicio y calidad de atención de los turistas en hoteles de categoría tres estrellas, Tarapoto - San Martín, 2019",
author = "Puelles Cubas, Marilin Medaly",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2021"
The research entitled "Service marketing and quality of tourists' attention in three-star category hotels, Tarapoto - San Martin, 2019", had the general objective of establishing the relationship between service marketing and the quality of tourists' attention in three-star category hotels, Tarapoto - San Martin, 2019. The type of study was applied; the research design was non-experimental, the research had a study sample of 138 tourists of the city of Tarapoto, which were used as data collection to surveys for both variables, which were applied to what the sample stipulates. The following conclusion was obtained with respect to the general objective, according to the statistics used to measure the significant relationship, the Spearman's Rho test was performed, where it can be verified that there is a high significant relationship between service marketing and quality of service, since the p value is 0.836, furthermore it can be concluded that the alternative hypothesis is accepted. The service marketing variable is at an inadequate level with 53%, followed by a regular level with 28%, while 11% are at an adequate level, and only 8% are at a very inadequate level. Likewise, the results of the quality of tourists' attention in the three-star hotels in Tarapoto showed that the quality of attention is regular with 44%, while 35% are in a bad level and only 13% are in a good level, while 4% are in a very good and 4% are in a very bad level.
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