Bibliographic citations
Ventura, J., (2019). Las infracciones tributarias y su incidencia en el estado de situación financiera de la empresa de Transportes Enrique Amir S.A.C. del distrito de Tarapoto, periodo 2017. [Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Ventura, J., Las infracciones tributarias y su incidencia en el estado de situación financiera de la empresa de Transportes Enrique Amir S.A.C. del distrito de Tarapoto, periodo 2017. []. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Las infracciones tributarias y su incidencia en el estado de situación financiera de la empresa de Transportes Enrique Amir S.A.C. del distrito de Tarapoto, periodo 2017.",
author = "Ventura Ventura, Juan Segundo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
The purpose of this present investigation is to determine the incidence of tax infringements, in the financial situation of the transport company Enrique Amir S.A.C. of the Tarapoto District, period 2017", was developed under the approaches of the scientific research, where contributions and research of the subject are considered, for the realization of this study, the sample was made up of 13 professionals working in the area of administration and accounting. On the other hand, the collection of information was done in a targeted manner, using the survey technique, obtaining as a result, that the tax infringement, generates poor business management, since the data and analysis obtained from fieldwork; attributes to expressing that there is no willingness of the employer to overcome or reorient tax accounting management, in order to efficiently comply with the rules governing his economic activity. This attitude impairs the company's actions by allowing organizational policies not to be designed at goals and most worryingly managers do not accept equitable responsibility with their workers.
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