Bibliographic citations
Guerrero, Y., (2019). Optimización del proceso de transesterificación convencional del aceite de piñón blanco (Jatropha curcas L.) aplicando nuevos parámetros de concentración de metanol e hidróxido de sodio [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Guerrero, Y., Optimización del proceso de transesterificación convencional del aceite de piñón blanco (Jatropha curcas L.) aplicando nuevos parámetros de concentración de metanol e hidróxido de sodio [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Optimización del proceso de transesterificación convencional del aceite de piñón blanco (Jatropha curcas L.) aplicando nuevos parámetros de concentración de metanol e hidróxido de sodio",
author = "Guerrero Chuquilin, Yoel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
Alkaline transesterification is one of the cheapest and simplest processes for the conversion of vegetable oil to biodiesel, which in turn, as a renewable energy source, is a potential option to achieve energy independence in many countries. Thus, this research work aimed to optimize the conventional transesterification process of the white pinion oil (Jatropha curcas L.) of the Totorillayco ecotype by studying the effect of the variables methanol / oil molar ratio, NaOH catalyst concentration and time of reaction. To do this, the second order central composite rotational design (CCRD) arrangement was used, whose results were analyzed through the response surface methodology (RSM). It was found that the maximum expected yield of the reaction is 92.3675% with optimized conditions of molar ratio methanol/oil 11:1, NaOH concentration of 0.5891% and reaction time of 34.770 minutes, while the higher yield obtained in the treatments was 90.53%, with conditions of molar ratio methanol/oil of 12:1, concentration of the NaOH catalyst of 0.6% and reaction time of 45 minutes. In addition, the ester content of the biodiesel sample of the treatment with the highest yield exceeds the 96.5% minimum required by the UNE-EN 14214:2013 V2 + A1:2018 standard, demonstrating good conversion of oil to biodiesel and that the dry purification process with activated clay applied in this study was very efficient.
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