Bibliographic citations
Monteza, K., Sandoval, G. (2019). Diseño arquitectónico de un centro cultural para fortalecer la identidad cultural a través del teatro en la ciudad de Tarapoto - 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial].
Monteza, K., Sandoval, G. Diseño arquitectónico de un centro cultural para fortalecer la identidad cultural a través del teatro en la ciudad de Tarapoto - 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial; 2019.
title = "Diseño arquitectónico de un centro cultural para fortalecer la identidad cultural a través del teatro en la ciudad de Tarapoto - 2018",
author = "Sandoval Grandez, Grecia Patricia",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de San Martín. Fondo Editorial",
year = "2019"
The objective of this research was to strengthen the cultural identity in the of Tarapoto city, through the theater, through the architectural design of a Cultural Center; it must comply with the design conditions of the city and promote the strengthening of the skills and abilities of the Tarapotine population. The survey aims to demonstrate that the Tarapotine population likes theater and determine the characteristics that such equipment should have. Regarding the research methodology, it is Non-Experimental, of Applied or Descriptive Type and of Descriptive Level - Correlational, because it analyzes, describes and evaluates the incidence and relationship of three variables: Independent, dependent and intervening. From the results obtained, it was possible to demonstrate that theater is the artistic manifestation that the Tarapotine population prefers most and that the loss of cultural identity is a consequence of factors such as: Vague presence of public and private entities, effects of globalization, influence of television programs dedicated to the show and entertainment, misuse of the internet, among others. With the analysis of the public spaces that poorly cover the cultural demand in Tarapoto we were able to determine the user, his needs and spaces conducive to the development of his activities. It is concluded that the Tarapotina population likes theater and that the Cultural Center must have a landscape character and be made up of ample training and leisure spaces according to the skills and abilities of the population: Dances (26%), theater (26%), singing (22%), drawing (13%), painting (10%) and others (3%).
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