Bibliographic citations
Saavedra, M., (2023). Uso del software KDE EDU en el aprendizaje del área de matemáticas del nivel inicial 05 años I.E. “Gerardo Kuppens”, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Saavedra, M., Uso del software KDE EDU en el aprendizaje del área de matemáticas del nivel inicial 05 años I.E. “Gerardo Kuppens”, 2018 [Tesis de segunda especialidad]. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "Uso del software KDE EDU en el aprendizaje del área de matemáticas del nivel inicial 05 años I.E. “Gerardo Kuppens”, 2018",
author = "Saavedra Segura, Magally Anali",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
This study, titled "The Role of Kde Edu in Teaching and Learning Mathematics at the 05- Year Initial I.E.N. 1580 "Gerardo Kuppens" Level" (2018; The primary purpose of this investigation is to analyze the impact of the curriculum on the academic performance of first year college students. This was accomplished via the use of a survey, using an initial and final exam to gather data on the children's level of understanding with respect to a subset of mathematics. In order to determine where each student stood in terms of their understanding of mathematical concepts before and after using the Kde Edu program, tabs were added to the exams at both points in time, this gave quantifiable findings that allowed for the establishment of percentages and numerical ranges of development in youngsters, reflecting the impact of the used software to highlight the progress of the study's constituents. The study used a pre-experimental design with a before and after test, and the results confirmed the hypothesis, that is, children in the school's kindergarten through fifth grade use the Kde Edu program to great effect, especially in the subject of mathematics.
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