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Agreda, E., Casanova, J. (2022). El título de imputación del extraneus en el delito de colusión [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Agreda, E., Casanova, J. El título de imputación del extraneus en el delito de colusión []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2022.
title = "El título de imputación del extraneus en el delito de colusión",
author = "Casanova Guarniz, Jeniffer Katherine.",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2022"
Title: El título de imputación del extraneus en el delito de colusión
Advisor(s): Honores Yglesias, Carlos Antonio
Keywords: Colusión; Titulo de imputación; Extraneus
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2022
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Abstract: El presente trabajo al que hemos titulado “El título de imputación del extraneus en el delito de colusión”, se ha realizado bajo un esquema de investigación cualitativo, que, mediante la aplicación de técnicas de recolección de datos como la observación, fichaje y entrevista, busca determinar con rigor científico y desde el dogma penal cual es el título de imputación bajo el cual se debe procesar y sancionar la inconducta del extraneus que interviene en el delito de colusión. A efectos de conseguir el objetivo antes trazado, se realizó un estudio tripartito de la doctrina, jurisprudencia y la posición asumida por los operadores de justicia penal (Jueces, Fiscales, y Abogados Litigantes). El desarrollo de esta tarea viabilizó la recolección ordenada y sistemática de puntos de vista críticos del dogma penal y la práctica jurídica, que validados con la información del marco teórico nos han permitido determinar la naturaleza dogmática del delito de colusión a partir de lo cual hemos asumido una posición objetiva respecto a la teoría de la unidad y la ruptura del título de la imputación y su aplicación ecléctica para efectos de procesar y sancionar al extraneus que intervenga en la comisión del delito de colusión en el marco del respeto del principio de legalidad, tipicidad y debido proceso.
ABSTRACT The present work that we have entitled "The title of imputation of the extraneus in the crime of collusion", has been carried out under a qualitative research scheme, which, through the application of data collection techniques such as observation, signing and interview, seeks to determine with scientific rigor and from criminal dogma what is the title of imputation under which the misconduct of the extraneus who intervenes in the crime of collusion should be prosecuted and punished. In order to achieve the aforementioned objective, a tripartite study of the doctrine, jurisprudence and the position assumed by criminal justice operators (Judges, Prosecutors, and Trial Lawyers) was carried out. The development of this task enabled the orderly and systematic collection of critical points of view of criminal dogma and legal practice, which validated with the information of the theoretical framework have allowed us to determine the dogmatic nature of the crime of collusion from which we have assumed an objective position regarding the theory of unity and the rupture of the title of the imputation and its eclectic application for the purposes of prosecuting and punishing the extraneus who intervenes in the commission of the crime of collusion within the framework of respect for the principle of legality, typicity and due process.
ABSTRACT The present work that we have entitled "The title of imputation of the extraneus in the crime of collusion", has been carried out under a qualitative research scheme, which, through the application of data collection techniques such as observation, signing and interview, seeks to determine with scientific rigor and from criminal dogma what is the title of imputation under which the misconduct of the extraneus who intervenes in the crime of collusion should be prosecuted and punished. In order to achieve the aforementioned objective, a tripartite study of the doctrine, jurisprudence and the position assumed by criminal justice operators (Judges, Prosecutors, and Trial Lawyers) was carried out. The development of this task enabled the orderly and systematic collection of critical points of view of criminal dogma and legal practice, which validated with the information of the theoretical framework have allowed us to determine the dogmatic nature of the crime of collusion from which we have assumed an objective position regarding the theory of unity and the rupture of the title of the imputation and its eclectic application for the purposes of prosecuting and punishing the extraneus who intervenes in the commission of the crime of collusion within the framework of respect for the principle of legality, typicity and due process.
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Discipline: Derecho
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas
Grade or title: Abogado
Juror: Rodríguez Albán, Segundo Miguel; Montero Cruz, Estuardo Leonides; Honores Yglesias, Carlos Antono
Register date: 12
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