Bibliographic citations
Fonseca, J., (2021). Incidencia del ingreso disponible y la tasa de interés en el consumo privado según la teoría keynesiana. Perú: 2010-2018 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Fonseca, J., Incidencia del ingreso disponible y la tasa de interés en el consumo privado según la teoría keynesiana. Perú: 2010-2018 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2021.
title = "Incidencia del ingreso disponible y la tasa de interés en el consumo privado según la teoría keynesiana. Perú: 2010-2018",
author = "Fonseca Espinoza, Josue Abel",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2021"
ABSTRACT Determine the incidence of disposable income and the interest rate on private consumption according to Keynesian theory. Peru: 2010-2018. This study is a type of longitudinal and correlational non-experimental investigation. It was found that disposable income has a direct and significant incidence while the real lending interest rate has an inverse and significant incidence on private consumption in Peru, 2010-2018. With an adjusted R2 = 0.91. Disposable income and private consumption have shown a positive and growing trend, due to sustained growth in the economy. With a PmgC = 0.80. And an annual growth rate of 1.9685% for private consumption and an annual growth rate of 1.5615%. for disposable income, during the study period analyzed. With respect to the model applied to contrast the Keynesian theory of consumption, the variations of the included variables explain 91% of the variations of private consumption, period from 2010 to 2018 in Peru.
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