Bibliographic citations
Castillo, J., (2018). Estudio del manejo agronómico de Persea Americana Mill Var. Hass en pequeños agricultores en dos zonas agroecológicas de Virú, La Libertad [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Castillo, J., Estudio del manejo agronómico de Persea Americana Mill Var. Hass en pequeños agricultores en dos zonas agroecológicas de Virú, La Libertad []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2018.
title = "Estudio del manejo agronómico de Persea Americana Mill Var. Hass en pequeños agricultores en dos zonas agroecológicas de Virú, La Libertad",
author = "Castillo Pulido, Jorge Ricardo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The present research work was carried out during the months of June to October 2018, in the areas of Susanga and San Carlos, located in the district of Virú and Chao respectively, province of Virú, La Libertad Region with a desert climate throughout of the year, where the average annual temperature is 24.3 ° C and the rainfall is 152 mm per year. The objective of the research was to study the agronomic management of Persea americana Var. Hass in small farmers in two agro-ecological zones of Virú, La Libertad. The Descriptive Design was used and the technique used was based on surveys which were structured to gather information on the agronomic management of avocado var. Hass that the producers of the two zones of Virú have considering, type and origin of pattern, age of crop irrigation, pest management, diseases, weeds, nutrition, management of pruning, flowering, technological level of the crop, besides knowing its commercialization and yields. The results indicate that the farmers understand and apply the different agronomic tasks such as land preparation, planting, composting, irrigation, pest management and diseases, which requires the Hass avocado, 100% of farmers have an average technology in crop management , reaching yields of no more than 10 t / ha.
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