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Vera, Z., (2023). Desarrollo de habilidades computacionales en VBA excel para el aprendizaje del tema MRUV del curso de física [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Vera, Z., Desarrollo de habilidades computacionales en VBA excel para el aprendizaje del tema MRUV del curso de física []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "Desarrollo de habilidades computacionales en VBA excel para el aprendizaje del tema MRUV del curso de física",
author = "Vera Zavaleta, Zinder Lorenzo",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
Title: Desarrollo de habilidades computacionales en VBA excel para el aprendizaje del tema MRUV del curso de física
Authors(s): Vera Zavaleta, Zinder Lorenzo
Advisor(s): Díaz Pulido, José Arturo
OCDE field:
Issue Date: 2023
Institution: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo
Abstract: En esta investigación denominado: Desarrollo de habilidades computacionales en vba excel para el aprendizaje del tema mruv del curso de física; se tuvo como objetivo principal determinar el desarrollo de habilidades computacionales con VBA Excel para lograr una comprensión adecuada en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el curso de Física. Se consideró el diseño pre-experimental (pre-test y post-test), confirmando la demostración de la hipótesis, es decir que, el software incide de manera significativa en el nivel de aprendizaje del curso de Física del área de CTA (Ciencia, Tecnología y Ambiente) de los alumnos del nivel de la segundaria de la I.E. Antenor Orrego Espinoza de Laredo. Estas pruebas se dieron, antes de la implantación del software, para así determinar la situación cognitiva en la que se encuentran los alumnos en relación a las nociones del tema MRUV del curso de Física y; luego de la implantación del software, para reconocer resultados cuantitativos que permitieron medir numéricamente el progreso en los alumnos, reflejando de esta manera la influencia del software aplicado. Se recolectaron datos utilizando un instrumento de tipo encuesta, obteniendo una confiabilidad alta. Se obtuvieron resultados favorables al rendimiento académico del tema MRUV del curso de Física, después de aplicado el experimento. También se comprobó que, las dimensiones técnico, pedagógico y aplicativo, son factibles para el aprendizaje respectivamente, en los alumnos.
The present investigation entitled: Development of computational skills in vba excel for the learning of the mruv subject of the physics course; Its main objective is to determine the development of computational skills with VBA Excel to achieve a better understanding of the teaching-learning process in the subject of Physics. These tests were applied at two different moments, before the implementation of the software, in order to identify the real situation of the students in relation to the notions of the MRUV theme of the Physics subject and after the implementation of the software, with the objective By recognizing the progress of the sample group, this provided quantitative results that allowed establishing percentages and numerical ranges of progress in children, which reflect the influence of the applied software. The research was carried out with the pre-experimental design with pre-test and post test, and it is affirmed that the hypothesis is fulfilled, that is, the software significantly affects the level of learning of the CTA area of the students of the secondary level years of the institution in question. Said population is made up of 15 students and the sample is census. In data collection, a survey-type instrument was used, with high reliability. In the results obtained, it was verified that the academic performance of the MRUV subject of the Physics subject improved after applying the treatment. In addition, it was evidenced that the technical, pedagogical and application dimensions are feasible for learning, respectively, in the students of the degree.
The present investigation entitled: Development of computational skills in vba excel for the learning of the mruv subject of the physics course; Its main objective is to determine the development of computational skills with VBA Excel to achieve a better understanding of the teaching-learning process in the subject of Physics. These tests were applied at two different moments, before the implementation of the software, in order to identify the real situation of the students in relation to the notions of the MRUV theme of the Physics subject and after the implementation of the software, with the objective By recognizing the progress of the sample group, this provided quantitative results that allowed establishing percentages and numerical ranges of progress in children, which reflect the influence of the applied software. The research was carried out with the pre-experimental design with pre-test and post test, and it is affirmed that the hypothesis is fulfilled, that is, the software significantly affects the level of learning of the CTA area of the students of the secondary level years of the institution in question. Said population is made up of 15 students and the sample is census. In data collection, a survey-type instrument was used, with high reliability. In the results obtained, it was verified that the academic performance of the MRUV subject of the Physics subject improved after applying the treatment. In addition, it was evidenced that the technical, pedagogical and application dimensions are feasible for learning, respectively, in the students of the degree.
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Discipline: Tecnología Educativa
Grade or title grantor: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Facultad de Educación y Ciencias de la Comunicación
Grade or title: Segunda Especialidad Profesional en Tecnología Educativa Mención Informática Educativa
Juror: Venegas Piminchumo, Cecilio Enrique; Orbegoso Dávila, Luis Alberto; Díaz Pulido, José Arturo
Register date: 10-May-2024
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