Bibliographic citations
Castelo, T., (2023). Conocimiento y Prácticas Culturales sobre Nutrición en Cuidadores de menores de cinco años, Hospital Monte Sinaí [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Castelo, T., Conocimiento y Prácticas Culturales sobre Nutrición en Cuidadores de menores de cinco años, Hospital Monte Sinaí []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "Conocimiento y Prácticas Culturales sobre Nutrición en Cuidadores de menores de cinco años, Hospital Monte Sinaí",
author = "Castelo Astudillo, Tanya Luz",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional research, carried out with the purpose of determining the level of knowledge about nutrition and cultural characteristics in caregivers of children under five years of age at Monte Sinai Hospital’s Pediatric Ward in Guayaquil, Ecuador. The sample consisted of 70 caregivers, two research instruments were used, the results were presented in single and double entry charts, the Kendall’s tau-b statistics model was used. Conclusions: the level of knowledge in caregivers about nutrition was low in 27.3%, medium in 37% and 35.7% high. In cultural characteristics, in the eating pattern dimension; 55.7% is adequate, 32.9% average and 11.4% inadequate, in the dimension of socioeconomic factors 55.7%, with adequate cultural characteristics, 37.1% average and 7.1% inadequate. In the Breastfeeding aspect; 58.6% of the caregivers manifested adequate cultural characteristics in breastfeeding, 30% average and 11.4%, inadequate. There is a significant relationship between the level of knowledge about nutrition and cultural characteristics, where a Kendall’s tau-b value of 0.762 is observed with a probability of 0.011 being significant, with a direct relationship between the variables.
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