Bibliographic citations
Ponce, J., Zavaleta, J. (2022). Eficacia de la obligatoriedad de la Junta de Resolución de Disputas en los contratos de obras públicas, Perú, 2020-2021 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Ponce, J., Zavaleta, J. Eficacia de la obligatoriedad de la Junta de Resolución de Disputas en los contratos de obras públicas, Perú, 2020-2021 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2022.
title = "Eficacia de la obligatoriedad de la Junta de Resolución de Disputas en los contratos de obras públicas, Perú, 2020-2021",
author = "Zavaleta Ledesma, Jessica Ivonne",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2022"
ABSTRACT The present research work aims to determine the degree of effectiveness of the Dispute Resolution Board in public works contracts greater than 20 million soles, period 2020-2021; in this way, seeks to make known the first results of the mandatory application of this mechanism and from them to make the necessary improvements. n the first place, an investigation has been carried out with a qualitative approach of an applied type for its purpose; whereas, due to the level of knowledge that is acquired, it is explanatory. Next, the case study technique was applied to analyze eight (08) contracts that have a Dispute Resolution Board and one that applied the Dispute Adjudication Board, which are supported by the application of the semi-structured interview technique through the Delphi method, practiced to twelve (12) adjudicators between engineers and lawyers, who are part of the list of an Administration Center, while the information was processed using ATLAS.ti 9 qualitative software. The results show that the Dispute Resolution Board has among its main benefits the prevention and resolution of disputes, viability of projects and cost reduction. Concluding that its binding is effective in terms of speed in the resolution of disputes; reduction of costs in the medium and long term; recommendations and technical decisions. However, it is ineffective in preventing disputes for the moment and how to implement and; for the lack of control of the OSCE.
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