Bibliographic citations
Yovera, D., (2021). Comportamiento organizacional de los Comités Vasos de Leche y participación comunitaria en el Centro Poblado Chequén, provincia de Chepén [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Yovera, D., Comportamiento organizacional de los Comités Vasos de Leche y participación comunitaria en el Centro Poblado Chequén, provincia de Chepén []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2021.
title = "Comportamiento organizacional de los Comités Vasos de Leche y participación comunitaria en el Centro Poblado Chequén, provincia de Chepén",
author = "Yovera Quiroz, Danitza Shirley",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2021"
ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out with the aim to explain the influence of the organizational behavior of the Vasos de Leche Committees and community participation in the Centro Poblado Chequén, province of Chepén. It has been considered the type of applied research, on the basis of explanatory design, and the sample consisted of 52 members, with whom they work by applying the methods deductive and inductive - techniques of quantitative research (survey) and qualitative (direct observation and interview). The results obtained show us that the limited leadership, poor interpersonal relations and lack of commitment on the part of the cup of milk committees generate poor community participation in activities promoted by the Municipality According to these data, we propose that should encourage training programs to improve the organizational behavior, and their level of leadership, to improve their management and provide quality service to the beneficiaries of this municipal program.
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