Bibliographic citations
Flores, E., (2023). Comunicación organizacional y su incidencia en el clima laboral de los colaboradores de la Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo: 2023 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Flores, E., Comunicación organizacional y su incidencia en el clima laboral de los colaboradores de la Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo: 2023 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2023.
title = "Comunicación organizacional y su incidencia en el clima laboral de los colaboradores de la Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo: 2023",
author = "Flores Navez, Estefany Katherine",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2023"
ABSTRACT This thesis was carried out with the purpose of analyzing the incidence of organizational communication in the work environment of the employees of Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo: 2023. The type of applied research has been considered, based on a descriptive design, and the sample consisted of 207 employees of the Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo, with whom we worked applying the methods and techniques of quantitative research (statistical method and as a technique to the virtual survey) and qualitative research (inductive - deductive method) and as a technique the virtual interview. From the results obtained, it has been possible to demonstrate the inadequate formal communication and the poor informal communication network negatively affects the work environment of the employees of Empresa Técnica Avícola S.A. Pacasmayo. Consequently, the communication that is promoted internally in organizations tends to be a dynamic activity, which maintains a certain degree of identification. That is why organizational communication transcends to be an important element in human relations, this for the reason that the Man needs to surround himself with people who accompany him and encourage him by serving as support to meet his needs for affection and socialization. Finally, we tend to consider that the organization is the one that should implement training programs to implement a motivation plan, promote transformational leadership and work as a team to obtain an improvement in the productive level of an organization. This thesis is subdivided into: Introduction (problematic reality, background, theoretical bases and conceptual framework), methodology, results, discussion, conclusions, bibliographic references and annexes.
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