Bibliographic citations
Rosado, S., (2018). Estudio del manejo agronómico del cultivo de alcachofa Cynara scolymus L. Var. Imperial cóndor en Virú, La Libertad [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Rosado, S., Estudio del manejo agronómico del cultivo de alcachofa Cynara scolymus L. Var. Imperial cóndor en Virú, La Libertad []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2018.
title = "Estudio del manejo agronómico del cultivo de alcachofa Cynara scolymus L. Var. Imperial cóndor en Virú, La Libertad",
author = "Rosado Fernández, Sergio Ruben",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2018"
ABSTRACT The objective of this research work was to describe the study of the agronomic management of the artichoke cultivation Cynara scolymus L.Var. Imperial condor in Viru, La Libertad. The information was collected through surveys of producers in the Santa Elena town center located 8º25'55 '' S 78º25'57 '' Or of the district and province of Viru, during the months of July to October of this year. The producers have an average of 2.8 hectares dedicated to the cultivation of artichoke with an average technology in terms of their agronomic work and a gravity irrigation system. The modality of preparation of terrain, is similar in all except only 30% that execute 3 passes of tier and fine leveling. Regarding fertilization, no producer performs soil analysis and only 25% make four applications of chemical fertilizers in the campaign. Regarding irrigation, this is not executed properly; the correct quantities are not used either, they do not know the volume of irrigation, as well as the moment in which the crop must be deprived of water so that it does not affect its quality and yield. The average farm yield of 14.8 t.ha-1 with a production cost of S/ 17,000.00.
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