Bibliographic citations
Rafael, V., Toribio, G. (2022). Criterios jurisdiccionales de la Corte Suprema respecto a la acreditación del daño moral en las pretensiones indemnizatorias por despido arbitrario [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Rafael, V., Toribio, G. Criterios jurisdiccionales de la Corte Suprema respecto a la acreditación del daño moral en las pretensiones indemnizatorias por despido arbitrario []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2022.
title = "Criterios jurisdiccionales de la Corte Suprema respecto a la acreditación del daño moral en las pretensiones indemnizatorias por despido arbitrario",
author = "Toribio Sánchez, Gloria María Stheffany",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2022"
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to visualize the problem regarding the accreditation of moral damages derived from the termination of an employment relationship due to arbitrary dismissal, since the Supreme Court of Justice does not have a uniform criterion in relation to it. Thus, our main objective is to identify the jurisdictional criteria assumed by the highest court of the ordinary jurisdiction. In this sense, we proceeded to analyze cassations whose date of issuance covers the period 2014 to 2019, as well as the relevant regulations and doctrine. Thus, after an analysis, applying research methods and techniques, it was determined that there are two criteria regarding the proof of moral damages in compensation claims arising from arbitrary dismissal: The first one considers that, based on the arbitrary dismissal suffered by a worker, it is logical to understand the moral damage suffered and therefore the granting of the corresponding compensation corresponds; the second criterion is that the damage, as any other damage, must be proven, and the interested party must deploy the burden of proof that corresponds to it, in order to provide the process with sufficient evidence that generates the judge's conviction about the damage suffered, not being sufficient, in this sense, to have been the victim of an arbitrary dismissal.
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