Bibliographic citations
Espinoza, V., (2020). La cuota de empleo para personas con discapacidad y la afectación de la libertad de empresa en la provincia de Trujillo - 2020 [Universidad Nacional de Trujillo].
Espinoza, V., La cuota de empleo para personas con discapacidad y la afectación de la libertad de empresa en la provincia de Trujillo - 2020 []. PE: Universidad Nacional de Trujillo; 2020.
title = "La cuota de empleo para personas con discapacidad y la afectación de la libertad de empresa en la provincia de Trujillo - 2020",
author = "Espinoza Mendoza, Violeta Olinda",
publisher = "Universidad Nacional de Trujillo",
year = "2020"
ABSTRACT The purpose of this research work is to study the employment quota for people with disabilities, which is regulated in article 49.1 of Law No. 29973, General Law of Persons with Disabilities, under the following tenor: " Public entities are obliged to hire people with disabilities in a proportion of not less than 5% of their total staff, and private employers with more than fifty workers in a proportion of not less than 3%”. (El Peruano newspaper: Law 29973, 2012)we will pay attention to the application of the aforementioned provision in the private sphere, since, apparently, it violates the freedom of labor contracting that is based on the constitutional right to freedom of business.
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