Bibliographic citations
Borda, C., Villavicencio, J. (2023). El impacto de los procesos de la administración de recursos humanos en la rotación de personal del área de ventas directas de una empresa de seguros [Universidad de Lima].
Borda, C., Villavicencio, J. El impacto de los procesos de la administración de recursos humanos en la rotación de personal del área de ventas directas de una empresa de seguros []. PE: Universidad de Lima; 2023.
title = "El impacto de los procesos de la administración de recursos humanos en la rotación de personal del área de ventas directas de una empresa de seguros",
author = "Villavicencio Morales, Julio Cesar",
publisher = "Universidad de Lima",
year = "2023"
The present work entitled "The impact of human resource management processes on staff turnover in the direct sales area of an insurance company" has as a general objective to develop an analysis that allows to determine if the processes of the human resources management of an organization can generate an impact on personnel turnover. Initially, thanks to a questionnaire applied in 2019 to a sample of the collaborators that make up the research area, the following processes were rescued: training, remuneration, quality of life at work. Subsequently, thanks to personal interviews conducted with superiors of the area under study, the recruitment and selection process was also identified. For this research, a quantitative approach was applied, with an explanatory reach since its purpose is to establish the causes of an event, with a non-experimental design since it is not possible to manipulate the independent variables and also a longitudinal perspective since the data was collected at different points in time. In the current year 2022, a new questionnaire was carried out, elaborated based on the operationalization of the identified variables in which all the advisors that make up the direct sales force were consider part of the study population. This direct sales force is made up of the channels: life insurance, health insurance and annuities. The results obtained were analyzed in depth and it was possible to conclude that the human resources management processes that were analyzed (recruitment and selection, training, remuneration and quality of life at work) and their deficiencies do indeed generate a direct impact on the sales staff turnover.
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