Bibliographic citations
Grandez, C., (2022). Implementación de un sistema informático para gestión de restaurante buen provecho - Iquitos, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica Del Perú].
Grandez, C., Implementación de un sistema informático para gestión de restaurante buen provecho - Iquitos, 2022 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica Del Perú; 2022.
title = "Implementación de un sistema informático para gestión de restaurante buen provecho - Iquitos, 2022",
author = "Grandez Chota, Carlos Manuel",
publisher = "Universidad Científica Del Perú",
year = "2022"
The development of the professional sufficiency work entitled: "IMPLEMENTATION OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM FOR MANAGEMENT OF BUEN PROVECHO RESTAURANT - IQUITOS, 2022" had as its objective the implementation of a computer system using web technology. This, based on the need to automate those critical processes that consumed a lot of time within the business activities and that made the control of capital inflows and outflows cumbersome. The technique used for data collection was the survey with its instrument the questionnaire, which contained ten (10) questions with three (3) answers, as options: Not at all in agreement (with value 1), Little in agreement (with value 2) and Totally agree (with a value of 3). OnlyOffice, the free software office suite, was used for data tabulation and analysis. The degree of acceptance of the implementation of a computer system was measured by item 8: where 100% of the respondents answered that a technological tool was necessary to help in the management of the restaurant.
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