Bibliographic citations
Huancas, D., Zelada, G. (2020). Aplicación móvil para mejorar la comunicación de la cámara de comercio, producción y turismo San Martín con sus asociados - 2018 [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Huancas, D., Zelada, G. Aplicación móvil para mejorar la comunicación de la cámara de comercio, producción y turismo San Martín con sus asociados - 2018 [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2020.
title = "Aplicación móvil para mejorar la comunicación de la cámara de comercio, producción y turismo San Martín con sus asociados - 2018",
author = "Zelada Fernández, Gianela Smith",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2020"
In this project, the analysis and development of a mobile app to a problem that occurs in the San Martín Chamber of Commerce and Tourism is carried out, through questionnaires the situation of the indicators is determined before and after the implementation of the proposal. The data analyzed show beneficial results, it should be noted that the main objective of this project is to determine the level of improvement that exists after implementing a web system. A descriptive analysis was carried out after conducting the surveys to determine the frequency levels that the respondent marked. All the specific objectives are resolved within which in a specific objective the system is developed through the methodology, an inferential analysis is carried out to contrast the hypotheses, concluding this project the respective discussion is presented, contrasting our results with each of the previous works Likewise, the conclusions are raised one for each specific objective and the recommendations are made one for the institution where the project was carried out, another for the university and another for future researchers After the implementation, there are significant improvements in satisfaction regarding the internal and external activities scheduling carried out by the chamber.
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