Bibliographic citations
Alvarado, F., Escudero, H. (2021). Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento de las edificaciones de concreto armado en el distrito de Juan Guerra, provincia y departamento de San Martín [Tesis, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Alvarado, F., Escudero, H. Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento de las edificaciones de concreto armado en el distrito de Juan Guerra, provincia y departamento de San Martín [Tesis]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2021.
title = "Evaluación de patologías y su influencia en una propuesta de mantenimiento de las edificaciones de concreto armado en el distrito de Juan Guerra, provincia y departamento de San Martín",
author = "Escudero Panduro, Harold",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2021"
The general objective of this research is to determine the pathologies and their relationship with a proposal for the maintenance of reinforced concrete buildings in the district of Juan Guerra, province, and department of San Martín, which raises as a problem the lack of unification of criteria in construction pathology studies in said district for the assessment of damage in reinforced concrete buildings. Faced with this situation, the main objective is to develop a protocol for construction pathology studies that generates a conclusive diagnosis in buildings. The accelerated growth in the construction sector brought with it an increase in pathologies in reinforced concrete buildings, including cracking, which is the breakage produced by exceeding the tensile strength of the material and which can cause from small damages and annoyances for its occupants to large failures that lead to partial or total collapse. The importance of the study resides in the need to generate an interest in the subject on the part of government entities who oversee ensuring the well-being and safety of the community, and who to date have not taken any action on the subject. To begin, a visit was made to each of the educational institutions, using the previously prepared technical sheet, which inquires about the general data of the structure, the structural system, and the most common pathologies of a structure. Among the conclusions, we have the following: Our research shows cases that correspond in a higher percentage to humidity, a factor that affects most of the homes studied, this because the area is rainy, and the reinforced concrete is exposed to bad weather. The next frequently observed damage are fissures and cracks generally in the walls, columns, and lightened ceilings of buildings, which are of the linear and discontinuous type, corresponding to instantaneous and delayed failures. In a lower percentage we have efflorescence type damage. The different damages presented in the reinforced concrete buildings in the Juan Guerra district, which formed part of our investigation, such as humidity, fissures and cracks and efflorescence are linked to the construction processes, since these buildings, according to the statement of its owners have not been built or supervised by professionals related to the construction industry, only empirical training personnel (master builders) have participated in the entire construction process. The professionals did not participate in the construction and supervision of the buildings in the Juan Guerra district, this implies the failure in the execution of these, which are related to two fundamental aspects for our case, such as the non-application of the National Construction Regulation and the non-existent quality control of the materials that the professionals in charge of the project are supposed to carry out. Finally, it is concluded that it is feasible to adapt and apply these techniques to the Peruvian reality to repair reinforced concrete elements and these maintain their original shape, quality, and service characteristics in the face of the inherent stresses to which they are subjected.
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