Bibliographic citations
Reategui, G., (2022). Nueva centralidad urbana: centro cívico para el distrito de San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional, Universidad Científica del Perú].
Reategui, G., Nueva centralidad urbana: centro cívico para el distrito de San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021 [Trabajo de suficiencia profesional]. PE: Universidad Científica del Perú; 2022.
title = "Nueva centralidad urbana: centro cívico para el distrito de San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021",
author = "Reategui Pereyra, Gianella Lucero",
publisher = "Universidad Científica del Perú",
year = "2022"
New Urban Centrality: Civic Center for the District of San Juan Bautista, Loreto 2021. Gianella Lucero Reategui Pereyra. The objective of this project is to develop a new Urban Centrality through a facility that proposes the design of a Civic Center located in the district of San Juan Bautista; identifying the political-administrative and sociocultural needs of the population which will justify the execution of the project, proposing spaces that respond to said specific needs, as well as to the customs of the Commune. The inefficient equipment that currently houses this series of activities prevents the residents from carrying out their business, wasting their time. The execution of a Civic Center will offer a New Centrality, thus responding to the great problem of Iquitos as a monocentric city, and in turn will improve the quality of life of the residents of San Juan Bautista so that they can carry out their activities in the appropriate spaces. The project has a series of volumes which house different types of activities from the political-administrative through citizen service modules, cultural such as the amphitheater, recreational such as the area for games and exercises, social and environmental such as the squares and the large green areas.
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